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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2649   View pdf image (33K)
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of the property covered by the mortgage, the date of its execution, the
time of expiration, the amount of the mortgage and the rate of interest
covenanted to be paid, under a penalty of three hundred dollars for his.
neglect to do so, to be recovered as other fines are now recovered, and said-
clerk shall be entitled to compensation for such work, to be paid by the-
County Commissioners in said County. Should any mortgagee neglect or
refuse to pay said tax when due, the collector of taxes is hereby authorized
to seize and sell all his interest in said mortgage in the same manner that
other property is now sold for taxes in said County.

1929, ch. 226, sec. 729E (p. 725).

756. Any mortgagor paying the tax hereby required to be paid by the'
mortgagee shall at any time upon satisfactory proof of the same in any
court of equity of this State be entitled to have the amount so paid with
interest at the rate of six per centum per annum deducted from the mort-
gage debt.


1912, ch. 222, sec. 1. 1918 Code, sec. 730.

757. All judgments rendered by any court of record or justice of the
peace in Frederick County, Maryland, shall be subject to valuation and
assessment to the owner thereof, and they shall be assessed in value accord-
ing to the rate of interest therein entered to be paid; that is to say, such
judgments as bear an interest of six per centum shall be assessed at 50 per
cent, of the amount of judgment; such as bear interest at five per centum
shall be assessed at 41-2/3 per cent, of amount of judgment; such as bear
an interest of four per centum, at 33-1/3 per centum of the amount of
judgment; such as bear an interest of 3 1/2 per centum, at 29-1/6 per cen-
tum of the amount of judgment; such as bear an interest of three per cen-
tum, at 25 per centum of the amount of judgment; such as bear an inter-
est at a rate not named in this section shall be assessed and valued at a
correspondingly reduced valuation, if the rate of interest is less than six
per centum, and such upon which no interest shall be actually paid and
are of no value shall not be assessed at all.


P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 451. 1918 Code, sec. 731.

758. Sections 529 and 530 of Article 27 of the Code of Public General
Laws, title "Crimes and Punishments," sub-title "Vagrants and Tramps,"
shall not apply to or be enforced in Frederick County.


1914, ch. 514, sec. 1. 1918 Code, sec. 732.

759. Any owner or lessee of a threshing machine who threshes grain
for another therewith shall, upon filing the statement provided for in the


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2649   View pdf image (33K)
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