2444 ARTICLE 11.
or corporation organized for receiving deposits of money and paying
interest thereon, located within the taxable limits of Middletown and
having its principal office therein.
1906, ch. 23, sec. 1. 1918 Code', sec. 140.
119. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners of Frederick
County to pay over annually to the burgess and Council of Myersville,
one-fourth of the franchise tax the said County Commissioners shall re-
ceive under the provisions of Section 90 of Article 81 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland from every savings bank, institution,
or corporation organized for receiving deposits of money and paying
interest thereon, located within the taxable limits of Myersville, and hav-
ing its principal office therein.
1906, ch. 42, sec. 1. 1918 Code, sec. 141.
120. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners of Frederick
County to pay over annually to the Commissioners of Thurmont, one-
fourth of the franchise tax the said County Commissioners shall receive
under the provisions of Section 90 of Article 81 of the Code of Public
General Laws of Maryland, from every savings bank, institution or corpo-
ration organized for receiving deposits of money and paying interest
thereon, located within the taxable limits of Thurmont, and having its
principal office therein.
1914, ch. 599, sec. 1. 1918 Code, sec. 142.
121. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners of Frederick
County to pay over annually to the Burgess and Commissioners of Woods-
boro, one-fourth of the franchise tax the- said County Commissioners shall
receive under the provisions of 'Section 90 of Article 81 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, from every savings bank, institution
or corporation organized for receiving deposits of money and paying inter-
est thereon, located within the taxable limits of Woodsboro and having
its principal office therein.
See No. 20 Trials, September Term of the Circuit Court for Frederick County.
1916, ch. 533, sec. 1. 1918 Code, sec. 143. 1929, ch. 303.
122. The County Commissioners of Frederick County are authorized
and directed to levy on the assessable property of Frederick County for
the year 1916 and annually thereafter the sum of $1,800, to be paid on
or before the first day of January, 1917, and annually thereafter on or
before the first day of January in each and every year; $200 of said sum
to the Treasurer of the Independent Hose Company of Frederick, $200
of said sum to the Treasurer of the Junior Steam Fire Engine Company
of Frederick, $200 of said sum to the Treasurer of the United Steam Fire
Engine Company of Frederick, $200 of said sum to the Treasurer of the
Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company of Brunswick, $200 of said sum to