2432 ARTICLE 11.
1894, ch. 652, sec. 17. 1918 Code, sec. 92.
71. The County Commissioners, justices of the peace, sheriff, con-
stables, and all State and county officers shall have, hold and exercise their
offices and jurisdiction in said town as if this charter had not been granted.
1898, ch. 79, sec. 64. 1918 Code, sec. 93. 1924, ch. 40.
72. The Circuit Court for Frederick County shall hold four terms of
court' for common law proceedings, commencing respectively on the second
Monday in February, on the second Monday in May, on the second Mon-
day in September, and on the second Monday in December in each and
every year, to which terms in February and September both grand and
petit jurors shall be summoned, and to which December term petit jurors,
only shall be summoned, and to which May term no jurors shall be sum-
moned; the trial term on said court for the cases depending therein upon
issues of facts to be tried by a jury shall be the term to which jurors shall
be summoned next succeeding the terms to which original process may be
returnable; and the drawing of jurors for the jury terms aforesaid shall
be in all respects as now prescribed by law, except that for the December-
term aforesaid, and not less than fifteen days before the same, there shall
be drawn from the names remaining in the box from which the jury for-
the preceding September term was drawn, twenty-five names, which shall
constitute the petit jurors for said December term, subject to the pro-
visions and regulations applicable to the correction and completion of the
jurors drawn for the other jury terms aforesaid; and the said court shall
have, find it is hereby given, full power to reconvene during any May
term of said court the grand jury and petit jury summoned for the pre-
ceding February term thereof, and also to reconvene during any December-
term of said court the grand jury summoned for the preceding September-
term thereof, whenever and as often in each instance, as in the judgment
of said court the public interests may be thereby subserved; and the said
jurors, when so reconvened, shall have in all respects the same power and.
authority to act as they respectively had during the terms for which
they were originally summoned.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 65. 1918 Code, sec. 94.
73. In addition to the first day of each term of the circuit court for
said county, the first Monday in January, the first Monday in March, the
first Mondav in April, the first Monday in July, and the third Monday
in October in each year, shall be return days for the return of process in
civil .cases.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 66. 1918 Code, sec. 95.
74. All original writs of execution, attachments, replevin, ejectment,.
scire facias and habere facias, as well as all other writs and process issued