and one-fourth degrees east, six hundred and sixty feet to a stone; thence
north one and one-fourth degrees, east, one hundred and seventy-three
and one-fourth feet to a stone; thence north, fifteen and three-fourth de-
grees east, two thousand one hundred and twenty-eight and one-half feet
to a stone planted in the center of a lane leading to the property owned
by John Frazier, said stone being also planted at the corner of said Fra-
zier's property; thence with the center of said lane north thirty-eight and
one-fourth degrees west, ten hundred and eighty-nine feet to a stone
planted in the road leading from Barker's Mill to the Town of Bruns-
wick; thence with said road north thirty-four degrees east, one hundred
and fifteen and one-half feet to a stone; thence north, sixty-five degrees
west ninety-five and seven-tenths feet to a stone; thence north, sixty-
seven degrees west, three hundred and sixteen and eight-tenths feet to
a stone; thence north, twenty-eight and one-fourth degrees west, six hun-
dred and seventeen and four-tenths feet to a stone; thence south, fifty-
seven and one-fourth degrees west, fifteen hundred and sixty-five feet to
a stone, thence north fifty-one and three-fourths degrees west, nine hun-
dred and eighty feet to a stone; thence north, eleven and one-half degrees
west; thirteen hundred and eighteen feet to a stone; thence north thirty-
seven and one-half degrees west, six hundred and eighty-one feet to a
stone; thence north sixty-six degrees west, fifteen hundred and fifteen
feet to a stone; thence north fifty-three and one-half degrees west, five
hundred and fifty-eight feet to a stone; thence north, forty-four and one-
half degrees west, three hundred and thirty-seven feet to a stone in the
southeast line of the Brunswick road; thence crossing said Brunswick
road and the farm owned by Daniel Shafer, north, fifty-five and one-half
degrees west, seventeen hundred and twenty feet to intersect the line
between the property owned by Daniel Shafer and the property of the
C. F. Wenner estate; thence with said line south, twenty-one degrees,
fifty-five minutes west, twenty-eight hundred and fifty-six feet to a stone;
thence, with a line between the property of the C. F. Wenner estate and
the property owned by William W. Weems, south, twenty-four degrees
twenty minutes west, and continuing the same until it intersects the
Maryland State line; thence southeasterly, binding on the Maryland State
line until it intersects a line drawn south, twenty-one and one-fourth de-
grees west, from the beginning; and thence reversing the said line so
drawn and binding thereon, north twenty-one and one-fourth degrees west,
to the place of beginning; and the boundaries of the three wards of Bruns-
wick shall remain as now constituted and established until otherwise
ordained by the Mayor and Council of Brunswick.
1916, ch. 456, sec. 4. 1918 Code, sec. 53. 1922, ch. 291.
34. The Mayor and Council of Brunswick shall cause to be made in
the year nineteen hundred and sixteen a new registration of the legal
voters in each of the several wards of this town, the qualifications of such