240 ARTICLE 1.
P. L. L. (1888), Art. 1, sec. 252. 1862, ch. 239.
662. Any citizen of this State who shall kill or destroy any wolf,
panther, wild cat or fox, within the limits of Allegany County, shall be
entitled to the following allowance, to wit: For each wolf's scalp, the
sum of twenty dollars; for each wild cat's scalp, the sum of one dollar
and fifty cents; for each fox's scalp, the sum of one dollar; and for each
panther's scalp, the sum of five dollars.
See sec. 28 of this Article and 1929 Supplement to Annotated Code, Art. 99.
P. L. L. (1888), Art. 1. sec. 253. 1860, Art. 1, sec. 189.
663. To obtain such allowance it shall be necessary for the person kill-
ing any such animal to produce the head of the same before some justice
of the peace for said county, and at the same time make oath that the said
animal was taken and killed within the limits of Allegany County within
six days before the production of the head before the justice; and the
said justice shall thereupon give the person so producing such head a
certificate that it was produced before him, wherein he shall set forth the
above mentioned oath; and it shall also be the duty of the justice to
destroy any such head to prevent any second allowance for the same.
P. L. L. (1888), Art. 1, sec. 264. 1860, Art. 1, sec. 190.
664. Upon the production of such certificate the County Commission-
ers shall levy upon the assessable property of the county the aforesaid
allowance, for the use of the person producing the same, and shall pay
the same accordingly.
P. L. L. (1888), Art. 1, sec. 255. 1864, ch. 104.
665. Witnesses in Allegany County who shall reside more than five
miles from the place of holding the Circuit Court shall, in addition to
the per diem allowed by law, receive eight cents for every mile exceeding
the first five, to be allowed in going to court; but no witness shall be al-
lowed mileage for more than once going to said court at any one term.
P. L. L. (1888), Art. 1, sec. 256. 1860, Art. 1, sec. 192.
666. The County Commissioners shall levy annually a sufficient sum,
in advance, to pay the States' witnesses for said county, and shall pay them
from such levy the sums to which the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall
certify them to be entitled, upon the production of such certificate.
P. L. L. (1888), Art. 1, sec. 257. 1886, ch. 465.
667. Persons living within the corporate limits of the City of Cumber-
land who shall be summoned before any justice of the peace for any of the
elections districts of said county lying wholly or in part within the limits
of said city, to testify in any criminal proceeding pending before said
justices, or who shall voluntarily appear without being summoned, shall
not be allowed or receive any compensation for such attendance.