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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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1902, ch. 409, sec. 24D.

64. When any judgment by default shall be entered under any of the
preceding sections the Court may at any time thereafter assess the dam-
ages upon proof thereof without impanneling a jury to do so.

1902, ch. 409, sec. 24E.

65. On all judgments entered in said Court there shall be a stay of
execution until the return day or the first day of the term, whichever shall
first occur next succeeding the return day or the first day of the term at
which said judgment may have been entered, with the right to the de-
fendant to supersede the same for six months from the expiration of said
stay as now allowed by law; provided, however, that the Court may, on
motion in writing by the plaintiff or his attorney, showing sufficient rea-
sons therefor, allow an execution or attachment or other proper writ to be
issued at any time after the entry of judgment as aforesaid and before the
expiration of said stay.

Betz v. Welty, 116 Md. 190.

1922, ch. 62.

66. When any defendant shall be returned non est the Clerk of the
court shall upon the written request of the plaintiff, or his attorney, renew
the summons for such defendant, and make the same returnable on the
next return day or the first day of the term, whichever shall first occur,
next succeeding.

P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, se'c. 25. 1860, art. 1, sec. 11.

67. The trial terms of said Court shall be the term next succeeding
that to which the original process shall be returnable.

P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 26. 1874, ch. 262.

68. In all cases which were pending in the Circuit Court for Allegany
County at the time of the formation of Garrett County, and in which title
to land, now situated in Garrett County, was in controversy, and which
are now pending, or in which judgment has been entered, it shall be
lawful for the Circuit Court for Allegany County to proceed to final
judgment and execution thereof; and in all such cases still pending, and
in all other cases in which a warrant of resurvey may be necessary or
proper, they may issue warrants of resurvey to the sheriff and. surveyor of
Garrett County, who shall execute the same as if issued by the Circuit
Court for Garrett County, and make return thereof to the Circuit Court
for Allegany County; and in all such cases, whether judgment has been
heretofore or shall be hereafter rendered, it shall be lawful for said Cir-
cuit Court to issue writs of habere facias possessionem to the sheriff of
Garrett County, to put the party, in whose favor such judgment was
rendered, in possession of the land; and also writs of fieri facias for costs;
which said writs shall be executed by the sheriff of Garrett County in the
same manner as if issued from the Circuit Court for Garrett County;


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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