claims of any kind against any of the said boards or against Frederick
County, which are properly payable out of the public funds, subject to
the control of any of said boards, except such as may be pending in any
of the courts of this State, to file said accounts and claims with the proper
boards, so that the same may be examined and passed upon by the said
respective boards before the second Monday in July in each and every
year after the passage of this Act; and any person failing to file their
accounts or claims as aforesaid shall not thereafter be permitted to do
so, and shall forfeit all right to collect the same by legal process or other-
wise, unless good and sufficient excuse for such failure is given to and
approved by the board with which the said account or claim is offered
to be filed; the said several boards and officers are hereby directed and
required, when requested by the said Auditing Committee or any mem-
ber thereof, to lay before the said Auditing Committee all books, accounts,
vouchers, and other papers relating to the receipt and disbursement of
the public funds in their hands or subject to their control; and the said
several boards and officers shall in every way expedite and facilitate the
work of the said Auditing Committee, to the end that the true financial
status and condition of the said several boards and officers, and of Fred-
erick County, may be fully and accurately determined.
1914, ch. 362, sec. 6. 1918 Code, sec. 28.
28. For the purpose of showing the true and financial condition of the
county at the time of making the audit as provided in the preceding sec-
tions the clerk of the County Commissioners of Frederick County shall
endorse on all claims or accounts against the county, the date when the
same are presented, and shall also enter in a well-bound book to be kept
for that purpose said claims or accounts, showing the name of the creditor,
the date when such claim is presented, and the character and amount
thereof, and also the date said claim or account is passed by said Com-
missioners, and also the amount allowed by them; and it shall not be
lawful for the said clerk to allow or permit any account or claim pre-
sented against said county to be taken out of his office until the same has
been entered as hereinbefore prescribed.
(All local game laws were repealed by ch. 568, 1927. See 1929 Supplement to
Annotated Code, Art. 99.)
1918 Code, sec. 481/2.
29. 1748, ch. 15; 1750, ch. 13; 1810, ch. 6; 1820, ch. 82; 1823, ch.
60; 1824, ch. 69; 1825, ch. 46; 1834, ch. 63.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 61. 1918 Code, sec. 49.
30. It shall not be lawful for any person to affix any flood-gate, water-
rack, fence or obstruction of any kind to the free flow of water to any