other offence is charged in the indictment, not to exceed ten dollars, pro-
vided, that no fee shall be paid where the accused pleads guilty, nor where
there has not been an actual trial, and, provided further, that this section
shall not be taken to change or repeal the appearance fees allowed by the
general law.
1914, ch. 362, sec. 1. 1918 Code, sec. 23.
23. It shall be the duty of the Judges of the Circuit Court for Fred-
erick County, annually, at the May term of said court, to appoint from
among representative taxpayers of said county, and without the least
reference to their political opinions, and known for their honesty, integ-
rity, sound judgment and aptitude for skillful accounting, three persons,
who shall constitute an auditing committee, whose duty it shall be to
examine carefully the accounts, vouchers, books and papers of the Board
of County Commissioners of Frederick County, the Commissioners of
Charities and Corrections of Frederick County, the Board of School Com-
missioners and treasurer thereof of Frederick County, and the treasurer
of Frederick County, annually. The members of the said Auditing Com-
mittee, or a majority thereof, shall institute such comparisons and make
such suggestions, observations, deductions and criticisms in connection
with and as part of their report as will give the citizens of the county
an intelligent understanding of all receipts and expenditures of public
moneys. They shall formulate and publish in pamphlet form, not later
than the first day of October of each year, a report containing a full,
accurate, itemized statement in the minutest detail of all receipts and
disbursements properly grouped and classified. They shall ask bids from
practical printers to print at least two thousand copies of said report
annually, and shall accept the lowest responsible bid. They shall dis-
tribute by mail not less than one thousand copies to representative citi-
zens of the county and place the remaining copies of the report in the
office of the County Commissioners of Frederick County to be distributed
in such manner as said County Commissioners may adopt, and the County
Commissioners of Frederick County shall pay all costs of printing and
distributing said report.
1914, ch. 362, sec. 2. 1918 Code, sec. 24.
24. It shall be the duty of the three persons appointed as aforesaid,
within thirty days after their appointment, to take and subscribe before
the clerk of the Circuit Court for Frederick County an oath to well and
faithfully discharge the duties of a member of the said Auditing Com-
mittee, without fear, favor or partiality; and if any person appointed as
aforesaid shall for any cause fail to qualify as aforesaid, or qualifying,
shall refuse to act as a member of said Auditing Committee, the remain-
ing member or members of said committee are hereby authorized and
empowered to fill said vacancy or vacancies, and proceed to the discharge
of the duties of the said committee as hereinafter set forth.