2394 ARTICLE 11.
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon indictment and conviction in
a court of law, he shall be fined not less than one thousand dollars and
imprisoned in the county jail not less than two years; but nothing herein
contained shall bar any civil suit that might be maintained for the recovery
of such property, money or effects.
1914, ch. 35, sec. 8. 1918 Code, sec. 8.
8. It shall be the duties of said County Commissioners of Frederick
County, every three months, to advertise for sealed proposals for furnish-
ing all supplies and provisions necessary for the support and mainte-
nance of the inmates of the almshouse, and all persons committed to the
jail of Frederick County, and for all fuel needed for said almshouse and
jail and to award the contract or contracts therefor to the lowest respon-
sible bidder, who shall give bond to said Commissioners in siich penalty
as they may prescribe, for the faithful performance of such contract or
contracts, and no one of said Commissioners shall be allowed to be a
bidder for any such contract; or be interested therein directly or indi-
rectly, and they shall have full power to make such provisions for the
maintenance and support of the inmates- of said jail and almshouse as
they may deem necessary until the contracts hereinbefore provided for
can be made; provided that the successful bidder shall be held and obli-
gated to furnish at the same rate and price any additional supplies of a
like kind that may be needed by said Commissioners in excess of the
amount advertised and bid for.
1914, ch. 35, sec. 9. 1918 Code, sec. 9.
9. Whenever there shall be no bid made for any of the supplies adver-
tised for, the said Commissioners may procure the same by private pur-
chase for and during the term for which said advertisement is made, to
wit, the term of three months; provided, that such supplies shall not be
directly or indirectly purchased or procured of any of said Commission-
ers, nor shall any of them directly or indirectly furnish the same.
1914, ch. 35, sec. 10. 1918 Code, sec. 10.
10. The overseer shall keep a list of all poor, beggars, vagrants, vaga-
bonds, and other offenders, who shall be committed to said almshouse,
and regular accounts of all materials and other things that may come to
his hands as overseer, and shall lay said list and accounts before the
County Commissioners of Frederick County, when required.
1914, ch. 35, sec. 11. 1918 Code, sec. 11.
11. He shall compel all the inmates of said almshouse, if of sufficient
ability, to work.
1914, ch. 35, sec. 12. 1918 Code, sec. 12.
12. Upon complaint made that any person from his disorderly conduct
gives disturbance to a neighborhood, and is likely to become chargeable
to the county, any justice of the peace of the county, if upon hearing the