1922, ch, 423, sec. 13.
559. Any employee or agent of "The Commissioners of Vienna" shall
have the right of entry, at all reasonable hours, upon any private premises
and into any building in the town of Vienna, and outside of said town
if the premises or building is connected with the town's water system,
while in the pursuit of his official duties, and any restraint or hindrance
offered to such entrance by any owner or tenant or agent of said owner or
tenant, shall be a misdemeanor, punishable under Section 562 of this
1922. ch. 423, sec. 14.
560. All individuals, firms and corporations having buildings, con-
duits, pipes, tracks or other physical obstructions in, over or under the
public roads, streets or alleys of the town of Vienna, or of those portions
of Dorchester County outside of said town, which shall block or impede
the progress of the town's water system, while in process of construction,
shall, upon reasonable notice from "The Commissioners of Vienna,"
promptly so shift, adjust, accommodate or remove the same, at their own
cost and expense as to fully meet the exigencies occasioning such notice;
and should the exigencies of any case involve the taking, in the constitu-
tional sense, of the franchise or right in the exercise of which such con-
struction had its origin, "The Commissioners of Vienna" shall be em-
powered to condemn an easement in said franchise or right. Every public
service corporation, company or individual, before it or they shall begin
any underground construction in any street, road, alley or public highway
within the town of Vienna, shall file with "The Commissioners of Vienna"
a plan of such construction showing the location and depth in such street,
road, alley or public highway of the proposed main, conduit or pipe, which
plans must be approved by "The Commissioners of Vienna" before such
construction is begun; and when approved, no change shall be made in the
physical location of anything shown upon said plan except upon the
approval of "The Commissioners of Vienna." Whenever any such under-
ground main conduit or pipe is put in without the filing of plans with
"The Commissioners of Vienna" and the approval thereof, or when any
change is made in the physical location of such underground main,
conduit or pipe, as shown upon the plans approved by "The Commissioners
of Vienna," or any approved change therein, "The Commissioners of
Vienna," when such conduit, main or pipe interferes with the con-
struction or operation of its water system, remove the same or change
the location thereof at the cost and expense of the party so putting them in,
or its successors, and without any liability upon the part of "The
Commissioners of Vienna" for damage that might be done to the same by
reason of "The Commissioners of Vienna's" operations in constructing or
maintaining its system. Any violation of the provisions of this section
shall be a misdemeanor punishable under Section 562 of this Article.
1922. ch. 423, sec. 15.
561. Whenever it shall be deemed necessary by "The Commissioners
of Vienna" to take or acquire any land, structures of* buildings, or any
*"Or" evidently intended.