1914, ch. 563. sec. 24.
542. The Corporation shall assume the supervision of all public high-
ways in said town to keep the same repaired and they shall have power
to repair, widen or extend the same, lay ont new streets and open the same,
condemn rights of ways or acquire the same by purchase, assess damages
in the premises and pay the same out of any moneys in the treasury not
otherwise appropriated, according to the laws of the State of Maryland,
in such cases made and provided, whenever in their judgment the general
good of the town and the condition of the treasury shall justify such pro-
1914, ch. 563, sec. 25. 1916, ch. 28, sec. 25.
543. The Commissioners of said town shall not expend nor contract to
expend in any one year, more money than the amount receivable by the
corporation from taxes and other sources for that year.
See sec. 544.
1914, ch. 563, sec. 26. 1927, ch. 95, sec. 26.
544. The Commissioners of said town shall not expend nor contract to
expend, in any one year, more money than the amount receivable by the
corporation from taxes and other sources for that year.
See sec. 543.
1914, ch. 563, sec. 27. 1927, ch. 438.
545. The County Commissioners of Dorchester County, in each and
every year, shall pay to the Commissioners of Vienna to be used and
applied by the said Commissioners of Vienna for the corporate purposes
of said town of Vienna the sum of seven hundred and fifty ($750.00)
1929, ch. 168.
546. The Commissioners of said town shall publish an annual state-
ment setting forth the amounts of receipts and expenditures of said town
for that year, and such statement may be published either by advertise-
ment in some newspaper published in Dorchester County or by handbills
posted at conspicuous places in said town. Such statement shall be so
published for each year not later than sixty days following the general
levy made for the next succeeding year.
1922. ch. 423, sec. 1.
547. "The Commissioners of Vienna" are hereby authorized, empow-
ered and directed to design, construct and own a water supply system for
the town of Vienna, including wells, intakes, purification works, reser-
voirs, pumping stations, elevated tanks, distribution mains and all re-
quired appurtenances both within and without the corporate limits of the
town, as "The Commissioners of Vienna" may deem necessary; to main-