1892, ch. 332, sec. 5.
4. The Commissioners may grant out pensions when in their opinion
it is right and proper.
1892, cil. 332, sec. 6.
5. The Commissioners shall publish annually with their statement of
the county expenditures a statement of the financial condition of the
1914, ch. 650, sec. 1.
6. The Board of County Commissioners of Dorchester County are
hereby authorized and empowered to sell or dispose of, in their discretion,
the property now owned by said county, and used as an "Almshouse
Farm," either in whole or in part, by public auction, or at private sale,
upon the best terms obtainable, the said terms to be determined by the said
Board of County Commissioners of Dorchester County. The said Board
of County Commissioners shall first cause the said property to be care-
fully surveyed and plotted, and give at least two weeks' public notice of
their intention to dispose of said property in two newspapers published in
Dorchester County of the time, place and manner of said sale, and the
terms upon which said property will be sold. If a satisfactory price be
not obtained at the first sale, the said Board of County Commissioners
may withdraw said property, and may afterwards sell or dispose of said
property at public auction or at private sale in such manner and upon
such terms as shall best serve the interests of said county. In the event
of the sale of the property, and when the purchase money has been fully
paid over to the said Board of County Commissioners, the said Board of
County Commissioners shall, by good and sufficient deed, convey the said
property to the purchaser or purchasers, in fee simple.
1914, ch, 650, sec. 2.
7. The proceeds of the sale of said property, in the discretion of the
Board of County Commissioners, may be used for the purchase of other
property in said county, and the erection thereon of suitable buildings, if
such buildings are not already on the property so purchased, for the care
and maintenance of the needy poor of said county, and any surplus that
may remain after the purchase of the new property shall be continued as
the "Almshouse Fund" for the care and maintenance of the needy poor
of said county, the said surplus to be invested in some interest-bearing
securities, in the discretion of the said Board of County Commissioners.
1927, ch. 440.
8. No attachment of the wages or hire of any laborer or emplovee, in
the hands of the employer, whether private individuals or bodies corpo-
rate, shall affect any salary or wages of the debtor which are not actually
due at the date of the attachment; and ninety per cent, of such wages or