the limits of the Town of Elkton and by mailing a registered letter to the
last-known post office address of the taxable not less than ten (10) days
prior to the sale; and the Sheriff is hereby directed to close his tax ac-
count with the treasurer, if possible, on or before the second Tuesday in
June, in each year, and the Sheriff shall compel, if practicable, the settle-
ment of all tax claims in full on or before said date.
1890, ch. 623, sec. 134C. 1927, ch. 419, sec. 134C.
180. All moneys belonging to the said corporation, which shall come
into the hands of the said treasurer during each week, shall be deposited
by him in such depository, or depositories to be named by the said Presi-
dent and Commissioners, and said deposit or deposits shall be placed to
the credit of the said President and Commissioners, and the funds thus
deposited shall be drawn out only by check, signed by said treasurer and
countersigned by the said President; in case of absence or disability, of
either, or both, or in case of a vacancy in either or both of said offices or
position, then by checks signed and countersigned by such person or per-
sons as said corporation may designate; all documents, books and papers
pertaining to the office of treasurer are hereby declared to be the property
of said corporation and at all times subject to the examination of the
President and Commissioners, and together with the funds in the hands
of the treasurer belonging to the corporation shall, at the end of his term,
or in case of his removal from the said office, be turned over to his suc-
cessor as soon as he shall have qualified as aforesaid, or to such persons
as the President and Commissioners may designate.
1890. ch. 623, sec. 134D.
181. The said treasurer shall pay and discharge the obligations and
debts of said corporation with the moneys so as aforesaid in his hands and
disburse the same only under the orders and directions of the board afore-
said, but no obligation shall be discharged or debt paid without the same
has been first duly exhibited to and passed and ordered to be paid by the
said board; and in no case shall said deposit be withdrawn from said banks
for any other purpose except upon resolution passed by said board and
entered upon its minutes.
1890, ch. 623, sec. 134E.
182. The said board shall appoint a secretary and prescribe his duties,
and as the entire compensation for all the services which he shall render
as aforesaid, he shall receive a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars annu-
ally ; he shall have charge of the seal of said town, and shall enter all of
the ordinances and proceedings of said board in a book to be kept by him
for that purpose.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 135. 1880, ch. 435. 1890, ch. 623, sec. 135.
1896, ch. 463, sec. 135.
183. The President and Town Commissioners shall have power to pass
all ordinances necessary for the good government of the town; to prevent,