1918, ch. 141, sec. 5.
146. The said Board of County Commissioners shall on or before the
1st day of July as aforesaid levy upon all of the taxable property of
Cecil County, and upon all property subject to taxation therein, the aggre-
gate amount of the estimates, as hereinbefore directed to be made, after
the said Board of Estimates shall have carefully ascertained all of the
various estimates and fixed them in such amounts as they shall think or
consider proper, the said Board of County Commissioners aforesaid shall
levy the aggregate amount of the said estimates, and in addition thereto
they may levy not more than ten per cent, of the said aggregate of esti-
mates, which additional sum shall be added to the total of estimates, and
the sum thereof shall be the amount of the levy, and no other sum or sums
of money shall be levied at all. The said levy of taxes made as aforesaid
shall become due and payable and shall be collected in the manner and at
the times now fixed by law. The said ten per cent, of the aggregate of
estimates, or so much thereof as may be levied, shall be for emergency
purposes, and shall be dedicated and appropriated to meet any unexpected
demand which may arise after the said levy has been made, or to tem-
porarily be used to supply funds for some estimate when there is a defi-
ciency of revenue to meet the same.
1918, ch. 141, sec. 6.
147. The revenue derived from all of the sources thereof shall be de-
voted absolutely to the paying and defraying the said estimates in detail,
and the said ten per cent, of the aggregate of estimates, or whatever part
of the same that may be levied, shall be used only for emergency pur-
poses, and in no event shall any money be diverted from the estimate to
which it is dedicated for any purpose.
1918, ch. 141, sec. 7.
148. The Board of County Commissioners of Cecil County shall not
after the 1st day of July, 1918, create any obligation or liability on the
part of or on the credit of the county which shall be a floating debt, and
no temporary loan shall be made to pay any deficiency arising from a
failure to realize sufficient income from revenue and taxation to meet the
amounts provided for in the said list of estimates; but the Board of
County Commissioners may temporarily borrow money for the use of the
county in anticipation of the receipts of taxes levied for any year, pro-
vided that they shall not in the manner and for the purpose aforesaid
borrow in the aggregate more than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), and
such sums so borrowed shall all be repaid and such demands fully satis-
fied on or before the 1st day of May, following the beginning of the fiscal
year in which the said money is so borrowed, and the said Board of
County Commissioners shall not borrow any money for any porpose be-
tween the said 1st day of May and the 30th day of June, or the close of
the said fiscal year, and in case of any deficiency in revenue and taxation
to meet the amounts provided in the said estimates, there shall be a pro