1914, ch. 139.
46. The right is hereby granted to the County Commissioners of Cecil
County, to construct, or to authorize the construction by such person or
persons as they may designate to construct and maintain a wooden high-
way bridge across said Long Creek in the Second Election District of said
Cecil County at the point where said public road as laid out and opened
crosses said Long Creek, which point is approximately eight hundred
(800) feet from the intersection of said Long Creek with Back Creek,
and to construct and maintain the necessary approaches thereto, which
said bridge may be of the closed type of construction, but which said
bridge at the centre of the channel of said Long Creek shall have a clear-
ance or head room of not less than eight feet above mean high water in
said Long Creek.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 47. 1870, ch. 415.
47. All persona passing over the Sassafras River bridge on horseback,
in carriages, carts, wagons, sleighs, or other vehicles shall be required to
put their horses in a walk, otherwise they shall be fined five dollars for
each and every offense; it shall be the duty of the bridge tender to see to
the enforcement of this section; any justice of the peace for either Cecil
County or Kent County in which any party violating the above provisions
may be found, shall have jurisdiction in the matter; and the penalty shall
be recovered in the name of the County Commissioners of said counties,
in an action for debt.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 48. 1870. ch. 415.
48. All captains, owners, masters and sailors of vessels, going through
the draw of said bridge, shall be required to lower and take in as much
sail as shall be necessary to prevent damage by carelessness before going
through the same, and at a sufficient distance therefrom, to remove lia-
bility of injury or damage to said drawbridge by the headway of such
vessels, and shall use in the management of said vessels reasonable care
to prevent injury.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. S, sec. 49. 1870, ch. 415.
49. Any person who, by reason of gross neglect or inattention, shall
violate the preceding section, shall be fined twenty-five dollars for each
and every such offense, and pay all damages that may be done to the said