1888 ARTICLE 7.
manner: At least 30 days before the tax levying period of each year the
said Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge shall then determine-
the amount necessary to be raised for the ensuing year for the payment of
the interest or such portion thereof and proportionate part of principal of
all outstanding bonds, the amount to be; paid on the principal of said bonds
in any one year to be determined by the usual table of redemption of bonds
by annual deposit in a sinking fund on interest, and after deducting all
amounts in hand applicable to payment of interest and principal on said
bonds, as hereinafter provided, it shall determine the number of cents per
$100 necessary to raise the said amount, and the said Mayor and Common
Council of Union Bridge in their next annual levy shall levy said tax on all
land and improvements and any other property assessed for municipal
purposes within said town of Union Bridge, which tax shall be levied and
collected as the said town taxes now are or may be hereafter by law levied
and collected, and have the same priority, rights, bear the same interest
and penalties and in every respect be treated the same as said taxes for the
town of Union Bridge now are. The tax so levied for the ensuing year
shall be collected by the tax collecting authorities, and every sixty days the
said tax collector shall remit the full amount of the tax so collected to the
Treasurer of said town. From the money so received, together with the
amount in hand, to the credit of said bond fund, said Treasurer shall first
pay all interest on said bond as it matures, and shall then deposit in some
bank or banks in Union Bridge in his name as a fund to be known as the
"Sewerage Sinking Fund Account," the amount so raised for payment of
said bonds. Should receipts from said taxes or other sources be inadequate
to deposit the principal payment on said bonds, by reason of defaults or
otherwise, such deficiency shall be added to and collected in the next year's
tax. The Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge are authorized to
pay the interest on any bonds it may issue prior to the first tax levying
period out of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds. In order that the-
prompt payment of interest and the proper provision for the payment
of the principal of said bonds shall be assured, the prompt and proper per-
formance of the respective acts and duties heretofore defined is specifically
enjoined, and failure upon the part of any person, persons, body corporate
or agent to perform the necessary acts and duties hereafter set forth, to
pay over the said funds as required, or to use said funds or any part
thereof for any other purpose than for the payment of the principal and
interest on said bonds, is hereby declared a misdemeanor and punishable
as other misdemeanors are punishable by Section. 503 of this subtitle.
.1920, ch. 158, sec. 5.
493. Whenever the plans and specifications for said sewerage system
for said town shall have been completed and said Mayor and Common
Council of Union Bridge shall have decided, after opportunity for a
hearing has been given, to proceed with the construction, they shall adver-
tise, by notice in such newspapers and technical press as they may deem
proper, for bids for the construction of said system, in parts or as a