of Maryland. The Common Council shall have power to pass ordinances
for the election by the Common Council and qualification of such other
officers, agents and servants as they may deem necessary from time to time,
and for the appointment by the Mayor of such other officers, agents or
servants as may be deemed necessary, and to fix their compensation, to
define the duties of the officers of said corporation, requiring bonds and
fix penalties thereof for the faithful performance of their respective duties,
and to require bonds for the performance of any and all contracts entered
into with said city.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 181.
460. The Common Council shall have power to pass all such ordi-
nances, not contrary to the Constitution and laws of this State, as it may
deem necessary to the good government of the town; for the protection and
the preservation of the town's property, rights and privileges; for the pres-
ervation of peace and good order, and securing persons and property from
violence and danger or destruction; for the protection of the health, com-
fort and convenience of the citizens of Union Bridge, and visitors thereto
or sojourners therein; for the appointment of a board of health, and defin-
ing and regulating its powers and duties; for providing and maintaining
proper and suitable lights upon the public streets and alleys; for estab-
lishing and maintaining a fire department; for erecting and maintaining
bridges; for establishing and maintaining and regulating an adequate
police force; and it shall have power to pass all ordinances to regulate or
prohibit the use of hand organs or instruments of any annoying character,
or other music itinerant performers in the streets, alleys or public places
of such town; to regulate the location and management of starch factories,
glue factories, renderies, tallow chandlers, bone factories, soap factories,
hide-houses, tanneries, slaughter-houses, breweries, distilleries, livery
stables, foundries, and all other establishments of which the business or
trade may become noxious or injurious to the public comfort and health;
to prohibit the erection of such building or the continuance of such noxious,
injurious occupations therein whenever the public comfort or health re-
quires it; to prevent, or regulate the use of and sale of firearms, fireworks,
bonfires, or other things or practices tending to endanger persons or prop-
erty; to regulate and prohibit the running at large of cattle, horses, swine,
fowls, sheep, goats, dogs or other animals; to authorize the impounding,
keeping, sale and redemption of such animals when found in violation
of the ordinance in such cases provided; to prevent the deposits of any
unwholesome substance, either on private or public property, to compel
its removal to designated points, and to require slops, garbage, ashes and
other waste or unwholesome material to be removed to designated points,
or to require the occupants of premises to place them conveniently for
removal. For the purpose of this paragraph, jurisdiction is given such
town one-half mile from the corporate limits; to compel the occupants