keep accurate minutes of the proceedings of the Common Council in a
well-bound book; and all laws and ordinances passed by the Common
Council and intended to take effect and operate as local laws in and for
said town shall be attested by the clerk; and the said book shall at any
time be subject to inspection by those interested therein, and copies of
all laws and ordinances shall be posted up in not less than five public
places in the town before they shall go into effect and be in force, and
the clerk shall be paid from the funds of the corporation such a salary
as the Common Council may deem just and proper. He shall hold the
office from the day of his appointment for two years, or until his suc-
cessor is elected.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 178.
456. The Mayor shall appoint a bailiff, subject to the approval of the
majority of the Common Council, who, before he enters on his duties,
shall make oath before a justice of the peace that he will faithfully and
impartially perform the duties imposed upon him by the subtitle of this
Article, and the by-laws and ordinances of the said Mayor and Common
Council; and he shall execute to the Mayor and Common Council of the
town a bond with two good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the
Mayor and Common Council, in such penalty as they shall prescribe,
conditioned that he shall well, truly and faithfully perform the duties
of his office, and shall pay to the treasurer of the town all sums of money
that may be collected by him for the use of the corporation. It shall
be the duty of the bailiff to preserve order, to enforce the ordinances of
the town, and to immediately arrest any and all persons whom he may
see violating the provisions of this sub-title, or of the laws and ordinances
governing the town, and to take the person so arrested before the Mayor
or any justice of the peace residing in the town, to be dealt with accord-
ing to the law governing the offense committed; and in the execution of
the duties of his office, he shall have all and the same powers as any con-
stable, and be entitled to the same fees, and his bond shall be liable, as
constables' bonds are, under the laws of the State; and he may be al-
lowed such salary as the Mayor and Council shall determine. He shall
hold office for a term of two years from the date of approval of his ap-
pointment, or until his successor is elected.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 179.
457. The Common Council shall immediately after its organization
elect a treasurer, who shall properly qualify before a justice of the peace,
or make oath or affirmation, in clue form of law, that he will justly, truly
and faithfully discharge the said duties of treasurer; and he shall have
power to collect the taxes levied by them, as county and State taxes are