If any cause to the contrary thereof be shown, notice of such cause
together with a copy thereof shall be served on the officer having said
vehicles, materials, equipment or paraphernalia in possession, and there-
after the Circuit Court for Carroll County shall set the case down for
hearing, the State's Attorney for Carroll County, without compensation,
representing the officer. After hearing the Circuit Court shall pass such
order in the premises as justice and law may require, from which order
either party may appeal to the Court of Appeals.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 55. 1860, Art. 7, sec. 19.
140. The County Commissioners shall annuallv levy such sum of
money as they may deem sufficient to pay the expenses which may be
annually incurred by the attendance of jurymen at the Circuit Court.
P. L. L, 1888, Art. 7, sec. 56. 1860, Art. 7, sec. 20.
141. They shall pay to the jurymen and talesmen of said county, im-
mediately after the termination of each court, such sum of money as they
shall severally appear to be entitled to, by the certificate of the Clerk of the
Circuit Court, for their attendance.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 57. 1882, ch. 270. 1884, ch. 201.
142. There shall be the following number of justices of the peace and
constables for Carroll County: for election district number one, four jus-
tices of the peace and two constables; for election district number two,
three justices of the peace and two constables; for election district number
three, three justices of the peace and two constables; for election district
number four, four justices of the peace and three constables; for election
district number five, four justices of the peace and three constables; for
election district number six, three justices of the peace and two constables;
for election district number seven, six justices of the peace and five con-
stables; for election district number eight, two justices of the peace and two
constables; for election district number nine, four justices of the peace and
two constables; for election district number ten, two justices of the peace
and two constables; for election district number eleven, three justices of
the peace and one constable; for election district number twelve, three
justices of the peace and four constables.
See sec. 53.
1900, ch. 103.
143. The Governor of the State is hereby authorized and empowered
to appoint an additional justice of the peace in and for Election District
Number Eight in Carroll County.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 58. 1878, ch. 55. 1914, ch. 524.
144. Any resident of Carroll County may be sued before any justice
of the peace in the election district of said county in which he resides, or in