without an order signed by clergymen, shall for each saie in violation of
the provisions of this section be deemed guilty of unlawful selling and on
conviction thereof shall be punished accordingly. Nothing in this section
shall be construed to prohibit a sale by such druggist of such liquor as
may be needed by or for a sick person in case of extreme illness, where
delay may be dangerous to the patient.
It shall be unlawful for any druggist or pharmacist who has been con-
victed of selling intoxicating liquor in violation of this Act thereafter to
sell intoxicating liquor for any purpose, personally or by agent, for two
(2) years in any Anti-Saloon Territory, and upon a second conviction
for violating the provisions of this Act any such druggist or pharmacist
shall have his certificate to practice pharmacy revoked, and the Justice
of the Peace or Judge before whom such druggist or pharmacist is con-
victed of a second violation of this Act shall so order and send a copy of
such order to the Commissioners of Pharmacy upon receipt of which such
certificate shall forthwith be revoked by such Commissioners of Pharmacy
and shall not be renewed within one (1) year from the date of such
1914, ch. 492, sec. 20. 1916, ch. 340, sec. 20.
133. It shall be unlawful for any person or public or private carrier
to knowingly accept or receive for shipment, transportation or delivery to
any person or place within an Anti-Saloon Territory, or to carry, bring
into, transfer, to any other person, carrier or agent, handle, deliver or
distribute in any Anti-Saloon Territory, any intoxicating liquor regard-
less of the name by which it may be called, and whoever shall, by himself
or another, either as principal, clerk, agent or servant, knowingly violate
any of the provisions of this section, shall upon conviction therefor be
fined not less than Fifty Dollars ($50) nor more than Five Hundred
Dollars ($500), and upon conviction of any subsequent violation of this
section in addition to such fine shall be imprisoned in the county jail for
not less than thirty (30) days, nor more than six (6) months; provided,
nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to individuals who may
bring into any Anti-Saloon Territory, upon their person or as to their
personal baggage and for their private use such liquors in quantity not
to exceed one gallon nor to physicians nor druggists to whom any public
carrier may deliver such liquor in unbroken packages, in quantity not to
exceed five gallons at any one time; nor to deliveries to churches or the
proper officer's thereof of wine in unbroken packages for sacramental pur-
poses; nor to shipments of liquor in continuous transit to a point outside
of such Anti-Saloon Territory.
This section shall apply to all packages of intoxicating liquor whether
broken or unbroken. Each package of intoxicating liquor, regardless of
the name by which it may be called, accepted, received, transferred,
handled, delivered or distributed in violation of the provisions of this
section shall constitute a separate offense