sale of intoxicating liquor, the operation of which was in any wise sus-
pended within such County by virtue of the vote therein to become Anti-
Saloon Territory with all additions and amendments which, in the mean-
time, may have been made thereto shall, if not in the meantime repealed,
become and be in force within said County, to the same extent, only, how-
ever, as the same would then be in force had such County never become
Anti-Saloon Territory. The petition mentioned in this section shall be a
public document and shall be subject to the inspection of the public.
1914, ch. 492, sec. 10.
123. A vote under the provisions of this Act in and for Carroll County
upon the proposition "Shall this County become Anti-Saloon Territory?"
or in and for Carroll County updn the proposition "Shall this County
continue to be Anti-Saloon Territory?" shall be a bar to the submission to
the voters thereof of either of such propositions as applied to that County
until after the lapse of twenty-three (23) months.
1914, ch. 492, sec. 11.
124. It shall not be lawful to sell intoxicating liquor in any quantity
whatever nor to grant or issue, or cause to be granted or issued, any license
to sell intoxicating liquor in any quantity whatever within the limits of
Carroll County while the same is Anti-Saloon Territory, and if any such
license be granted or issued in violation hereof, the same shall be void.
Provided, that this shall not apply to sales made by a person under a pro-
vision of law requiring him to sell personal property.
1914, ch. 492, sec. 12.
125. Every retail liquor dealer except druggists, trafficking, person-
ally or by agent, in intoxicating liquor in Carroll County, after it becomes
Anti-Saloon Territory by vote of the people thereof as herein provided,
shall remove or cause to be removed all intoxicating liquor from such place,
its or dependencies within ten days from the first of May
next following such vote. Failure to comply with the provisions of this
section shall be prima, facie evidence that such liquor is kept for the pur-
pose of being sold in violation of the provisions of this Act.
1914, ch. 492, sec. 13. 1916, ch. 340, sec. 13. 1929, ch. 569, sec. 13.
126. Whoever shall, by himself or another, either as principal, clerk
or servant, directly or indirectly, sell, barter, give away or exchange any
intoxicating liquor in any quantity whatever within the limits of Carroll
County, or manufacture, import, transport, keep or have in his possession
any intoxicating liquor any or all with intent to sell, or otherwise dispose
of same in violation of the provisions of this Act, shall upon conviction
thereof be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500) or be impri-
soned in the jail or House of Correction for not more than one year or be
both fined and imprisoned in the discretion of the court.
Provided, however, nothing in this section shall be construed to apply
to individuals who may give away such liquor in their own private resi-