Upon request of any one filing such a petition and verified statement and
paying or tendering to the Supervisors of Elections one dollar for each
one hundred names, or fraction thereof, signed thereto, together with a
copy thereof, the Supervisors of Elections shall immediately compare
the original copy and attach to such copy and deliver to such person their
official certificate that such copy is a true copy of the original, stating
the day when such original was filed in their office.
Whoever, in making the sworn statement above prescribed, shall know-
ingly, wilfully and corruptly swear falsely shall be deemed guilty of per-
jury, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished accordingly. Who-
ever forges the signature of any person, upon any petition or statement
provided for in this Act, shall be deemed guilty of forgery, and, on con-
viction thereof, shall be punished accordingly.
1914, ch. 492, sec. 5.
118. The Supervisors of Elections, with whom any petition shall be
filed, as provided in this Act, shall cause notice to be given in the manner
provided by law for giving notice of an election, of the submission of said
proposition at the next election to the voters of Carroll County. Publi-
cation of the submission of said proposition to the voters of said county
shall likewise be made in the manner provided by law for the publication
of the list of nominations to be voted for at an election: Provided, That
the failure of such Supervisors of Elections to cause such notice to be
given, or the failure to make publication of the submission of said propo-
sition as above provided, shall not affect the validity or binding force
of the vote upon said proposition.
1914, ch. 492, sec. 6.
119. The Supervisors of Elections, with whom any petition shall be
filed as provided by this Act, shall cause the proposition "Shall this County
become Anti-Saloon Territory," to be placed on the official ballots to be
submitted to the vote of the people in the manner prescribed by Section 64
of Article 33 of the Code of Public General Laws of 1924.
At any election where said proposition is submitted, the persons man-
aging the interests of those in favor of, and the persons managing the
interests of those opposed to said proposition shall have, respectively, the
right to designate and keep a challenger and watcher at each election place.
A certificate signed by the presiding officer of the committee managing the
interests of those in favor of or of those opposed to said proposition shall
be sufficient evidence of the right of such challenger and watcher to be
present in the polling room. Such challengers and watchers shall have the
powers which are conferred upon challengers and watchers by Sections 71
and 78 of Article 33 of the Code of Public General Laws of 1924.
1914, ch. 492, sec. 7.
120. The Supervisors of Elections shall, as soon as conveniently may
be after receiving and canvassing the result of any election at which the