1740 ARTICLE 7.
or ordinance, and he shall give bond for the faithful performance of his
duties as such clerk and treasurer, with security to be approved by the
mayor in such penal sum as shall be prescribed by ordinance, which bond
shall be made to the said corporation, and carefully filed among their
papers, and recorded in the minutes of their proceedings.
1894, ch. 283, sec. 52,
75. The Mayor and Council shall have power to pass all ordinances,
not contrary to law, necessary within the limits of said town to preserve
the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants thereof, to prevent and
remove nuisances and annoyances, to suppress gambling, to prevent the
firing of cannon, guns, pistols, firecrackers and other explosive instru-
ments or materials within the corporate limits; to restrain all disorders
and disturbances; to suppress fires and the danger thereof; to make or
cause to be made and repaired, all necessary drains, sewers, culverts and
bridges; to license public amusements, shows and exhibitions, fix the sums
of moneys to be paid therefor, and prescribe the mode of collecting the
same; and to provide for the good government and general police of the
town; and they shall have power to enforce the observance of all such
ordinances by fines, penalties and forfeitures, not exceeding twenty dol-
lars for any one offense.
1894, ch. 283, sec. 53.
76. They shall have the power to pass all ordinances necessary to
regulate or prevent the going at large, within the corporate limits, of
horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, geese, or any other brute, boast or fowl;
to regulate or prevent the going at large, within the corporate limits, of
dogs, and to provide for the killing of worthless, dangerous or annoying
dogs; to levy a tax on dogs, male or female, kept within the corporate
limits, to fix the rates of said tax, and to collect the same from the owners
in the same manner as other town taxes are in this subtitle of this Article
authorized to be collected, and may, in default of payment of said tax,
provide for the killing of dogs whose owners make such default.
1894, ch. 283, sec. 54.
77. They shall have power to provide for laying out, opening and ex-
tending or widening any street or alley in the town, and may fix the
dimensions thereof, which in their judgment, the public welfare or con-
venience may require; to provide for ascertaining whether any and what
amount in value of damages will be caused thereby, for which the owner
or possessor of any property through or over which such street or alley
may pass, ought to be compensated and paid, and for assessing or laying,
either generally on the whole assessable property within the town, or
specially on the property of persons benefited by such improvement, the
whole or any part of the damages and expenses which may be incurred in
laying out, opening, extending or widening such street or alley; to provide,
in case they shall determine to levy and assess the whole or any part of