under; regulate the erection and use of telephone, telegraph and electric
light poles and wires within the town; regulate the keeping of dogs in said
town, and provide for the removal or killing worthless, annoying or dan-
gerous dogs; prevent the running at large within said town of horses, cat-
tle, hogs, geese or any other beast, brute or fowl, and regulate or prevent
the keeping of the same within said town; provide for the protection of all
town property and of all public property of public service companies or
corporation; punish and suppress tramps and vagrants by imposing fines
or both fine and imprisonment or by hard labor on the streets of the town.
And they shall have power to provide by ordinance for the construction,
opening, enlarging or straightening of any sewer or drain and for regula-
tion of the same; for paving and keeping in repair all necessary sewers
and drains or gutters; to provide for the purchase and condemnation of
private or public property, as is now provided in this Act for the condem-
nation and opening of streets in said town, for the purpose of paving,
building and maintaining any sewer or drain for surface water in said
town; they are empowered by ordinance to regulate and prohibit cess-
pools, earth pits and other means of sewage disposal; to regulate or exclude
places where offensive trades or occupation is conducted or engaged in; to
regulate or exclude pig pens within the corporate limits; to pass ordinances
governing the disposal of garbage or refuse; to regulate or exclude slaugh-
ter houses within the corporate limits; to pass ordinances to close polluted
wells, springs and other sources of water supply when such sources shall
be certified by the State Board of Health, after proper analysis to be pol-
luted; and to pass ordinances for the quarantine and regulation of all com-
municable diseases, not inconsistent with the laws of this State or with
the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health; and its officers may
enter upon and into any private property or building whenever necessary
to execute or enforce any such ordinance. And they may pass such other
ordinances as they deem advisable in addition to the powers herein partic-
ularly enumerated to provide for the good government and peace, health
and welfare of the town and the inhabitants therein. They shall have
power to enforce the observation of all ordinances by fine, penalty and for-
feiture not exceeding one hundred dollars for any one offense, or by im-
prisonment not exceeding sixty day's in the jail of Caroline County or by
both fine and imprisonment. And all ordinances relating to disorderly
conduct and suppressing of nuisances may be enforced within the town
limits and beyond for one-half a mile.
1916, ch 463.
440. In the event that the State Roads Commission shall build a State
Highway through the main street of said town of Preston, and the said
Town Commissioners shall by ordinance direct that the parts of the streets
of said town lying between the limits of said State Highway and the line of
the sidewalk or curb line of said street shall be paved, curbed and gut-
tered, repaired or extended, the Town Commissioners shall upon a certain
day to be named in said ordinance and within three days, inclusive of