1610 ARTICLE, 6.
1906, ch. 87, sec. 30.
268. All taxes, whether general or special, levied by said Commis-
sioners upon any house or parcel of land within said town which is not
in the tenancy and occupation of the owner or owners thereof, may be
charged to the tenant or other occupant, who shall be liable to like process
for the payment thereof, and the tenant or other occupant paying the
said taxes may charge the same to the owner or owners of the house, lot
or parcel of land, or deduct the same from the rent then due, or which
shall next become due thereon.
1906, ch. 87, sec. 31.
269. The said Commissioners shall have the power to provide, in any
of their by-laws and ordinances, for a fine or penalty in amount not
exceeding ten dollars, to be imposed upon any person for the violation
thereof, and the said fines or penalties may be recovered in the name of
the said corporation from the person liable thereto before any justice of
the peace for Caroline County like other debts, but if any person shall
violate any of the ordinances or by-laws of said Commissioners by loud
or boisterous talking or by using profane or vulgar language, or by im-
modest or vulgar behavior or exposure, or by otherwise disturbing the
peace and good order in said town of Goldsboro, or by obstructing the
streets or sidewalks with unnecessary assemblies, then it shall be lawful,
and it is made the duty of the bailiff of the said town or the sheriff or
any constable of Caroline County to arrest the person so offending or
violating the ordinances as aforesaid, and to take such person before some
justice of the peace of said county, and upon conviction for said offense
the said offender shall be fined not less than fifty cents nor more than ten
dollars, with cost, the fine to go to the use of said corporation, and in de-
fault of payment of fine and costs aforesaid the person so convicted shall be
committed to the jail in said county until the fine and costs are paid, pro-
vided said imprisonment shall not continue longer than ten days; pro-
vided, nevertheless, that the fine for the violation of any ordinance or
by-laws can, upon agreement between the officer and the offender, be paid
direct to the officer (with ten cents additional), who shall give a receipt
for the same to the offender, for which receipt the clerk of the town com-
missioners shall pay ten cents upon presentation.
1906, ch. 87, sec. 32.
270. At the meeting of said Commissioners of Goldsboro three shall
constitute a quorum, and all questions submitted shall be decided by a
majority of those present, but less than a quorum may appoint the time
for a subsequent meeting and adjourn; and said commissioners of Golds-
boro shall serve without compensation.
1906, ch. 87, sec. 33.
271. Said Commissioners may appoint the clerk, bailiff and other
officers, or either of them, from among themselves or among the other
inhabitants of said town.