1548 ARTICLE 6.
period of thirty days. Any and all fines recovered for any violation of
any provision of this Act shall be paid by said official receiving the same
to the County Commissioners of the respective counties and by them ap-
plied for the maintenance of the public county roads of said counties
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 48. 1866, ch. 167.
77. There shall be four regular law terms of the Circuit Court for
Caroline County at Denton, commencing on the second Monday in Janu-
ary, first Monday in April, fourth Monday in June, and the first Monday
in October of each year.
P. L. L., 1888; Art 6, sec. 49. 1866, ch. 167.
78. Jurors shall be summoned to the March and October terms of said
court. And the judges of the Circuit Court for Caroline County shall have
power and authority to pass all such rules as shall be necessary to facilitate
the transaction of business in said court; provided, however, that such
rules shall provide for the transaction of equity business, and the said court
for equity business shall be considered to be always open.
1894, ch. 463, sec. 49A.
79. In any suit, when the cause of action is a contract, whether in
writing or not, or whether expressed or implied, the plaintiff, if affidavit
or affirmation be made, as hereinafter stated, shall be entitled to judgment,
to be entered by the court, on motion, at any time after the return day of
the term next succeeding the one to which the defendant shall have been
summoned, although the defendant may have pleaded, unless such plea
contains a good defense, and unless the defendant, or some one on his be-
half, shall, under oath or affirmation, to be annexed to said plea, state every
plea so pleaded by the defendant is true, and shall further state the amount
of the plaintiff's demand, if anything is admitted to be due and owing, and
the amount disputed; and further, that the affiant verily believes the de-
fendant will be able, at the trial of the cause, to produce sufficient evidence
to support the plea as to the portion disputed, and that he is advised by
counsel to file the said plea; and such plea shall be accompanied by a cer-
tificate thereto annexed, of counsel, that he so advised the party making
such oath or affirmation; and if the partnership or incorporation of any of
the parties to the suit shall be alleged in the declaration, and the affidavit
be filed therewith, as hereinafter provided, or if there shall be filed with
the declaration in said cause any paper purporting to be signed by any
defendant therein, the fact of such alleged copartnership or incorporation,
and the genuineness of such signature, shall be deemed to be admitted for
the purposes of said cause, unless the said affidavit shall further state that