1534 ARTICLE 6.
dollars for each and every refusal to answer or to be sworn or affirmed and
shall stand committed until the fine and costs are paid.
1918, ch. 158, sec. 5.
19. It shall be the duty of the person appointed as accountant as afore-
said, within fifteen days, accounting from the first day of July of the year
of his appointment, to take and subscribe before the clerk of the Circuit
Court for Caroline County, an oath to well and fairly discharge his duties
without fear, favor or partiality, and if any person appointed as aforesaid
shall, for any cause, fail to qualify as aforesaid, within fifteen days after
such appointment, the said Board of County Commissioners shall continue'
to employ a certified public accountant, until they succeed in having one
qualify as aforesaid.
1918, ch. 158, sec. 6.
20. The said accountant be allowed for his services in auditing and
examining the accounts, vouchers, books, papers and proceedings as named
in this Act not to exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars per day, together
with such expenses for stationery, costs, if any, of summoning witnesses
and witness fees as herein set forth, all of which shall be paid by the Board
of County Commissioners for Caroline County.
1918, ch. 158, sec. 7.
21. The Board of County Commissioners shall immediately publish
in pamphlet form said report, and shall ask bids from practical printers to
print at least twelve hundred copies of said report annually, and shall ac-
cept the lowest responsible bid. They shall distribute by mail not less than
eight hundred copies to representative pitizens of the county and place the
remaining copies of the report in the office of the County Commissioners
for Caroline County to be distributed in such manner as said County Com-
missioners may adopt, and the County Commissioners of Caroline County
shall pay all costs of printing and distributing said reports.
1918, ch. 158, sec. 8.
22. For the purpose of showing the true and financial condition of the
county at the time of making the audit as provided in the preceding sec-
tions, the clerk of the County Commissioners of Caroline County shall
endorse on all claims or accounts against the county the date when the same
are presented, and shall also enter in a well-bound book to be kept for that
purpose said claims or accounts, showing the name of the creditor, the date
when such claim is presented, and the character and amount thereof, and
also the date said claim or account is passed by said Commissioners, and
the amount allowed by them; and it shall not be lawful for the said clerk
to allow or permit any account or claim presented against said county to
be taken out, of his office until the same has been entered as hereinbefore-
*Sec. 9 of ch. 158, 1918, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.