1892, ch. 425, sec. 38.
422. The Mayor and Councilmen are hereby authorized and empowered
to agree with the owner, or owners of any land, real estate, spring, brook,
water, or water course as aforesaid, earth, timber, stone, or other material
which they may need, or require in the building of said water works, and
to make any purchase, for such price as may be agreed upon, and the
title to any such land, real or leasehold estate, spring, brook, water, or
water course, earth, timber, stone, or other material, shall rest in the
Mayor and Councilmen of said town.
1892, ch. 425, sec. 39.
423. If the said Mayor and Councilmen cannot agree, or if there be
any incapacity, or disability to contract with the owner or owners of
said land, or real estate, spring, brook, water, or water course, as afore-
said, earth, timber, stone, or other material, or with the owner or owners
of such lands through which they may find it necessary to have a right
of way, or entry, or passage for the purpose of conveying the said water
into or through the said town, or if such owner, or owners, shall be absent
out of the State, or unknown, or without legal capacity to contract, by
reason of infancy, coverture or otherwise, it shall be lawful for the said
Mayor and Councilmen to secure by condemnation any such land, real
estate, spring, brook, water, or water courses, easement or franchises,
earth, timber, stone, or other materials, which they may deem necessary
in the same manner, and by the same proceedings, as is now provided for
in the condemnation by corporations under Article 23, Section 331, and
etc., of the Code of Public General Laws, of the State of Maryland.
1892, ch. 425, sec. 40.
424. The Mayor and Councilmen are hereby invested with full power
and authority, to enact and pass all ordinances, which from time to time
they may deem necessary and proper, to regulate the introduction and
use of said water, and for the protection and prevention of the works,
machinery and property connected therewith, they shall have power to
appoint a superintendent, and to fix and establish, from time to time, a
schedule of rates and charges to be made and collected, for the use of said
water; and the bailiff, or the superintendent, as the Mayor and Council-
men shall by ordinance direct, shall as in the case of other taxes collect
said charges, and pay over the same to the Mayor and Councilmen, who
may allow him therefor such additional compensation, as they shall deem
reasonable and all moneys derived from the use of said water shall be
held by said Mayor and Councilmen, for the purpose of paying the ex-
penses of operating said water works and for the interest and principal
of the bonded indebtedness incurred therefor, and the said Mayor and
Councilmen are hereby authorized to make suitable provisions for the pro-
tection of the property in said town from fire, by providing a suitable
number of fire plugs or public hydrants, properly adapted to the purpose
and conveniently situated for use.