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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1480   View pdf image (33K)
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1480 ARTICLE 5.

payable to the County Commissioners for the use of said county, shall by
said sheriff, justices of the peace and other officers be paid to the treasurer
for said county within thirty days after receiving same, to be used by
said treasurer in liquidating any debts against the county, said sum to
be accounted for by said treasurer in his reports to the County Commis-
sioners in the same manner, and at, the same time as taxes are now ac-
counted for, the said treasurer to receive three per cent, on all moneys
thus paid over to him.

1892, ch. 170, sec. 2.

149. Any sheriff, justice of the peace or any other officers of Calvert
County, refusing or neglecting to comply with the provisions of this sub-
title, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to fine of not less than
ten nor more than one hundred dollars or imprisonment at the discretion
of the court.*


1908, ch. 149 (p. 669).

150. It shall be unlawful for any person to set off fireworks or shoot
any torpedoes, rockets or other fireworks of any kind within 200 yards of
any store or postoffice in Calvert County, or on or near the public roads
within said county.+

Any person violating the provisions of this Act, upon conviction before
a justice of the peace of the said county or the Circuit Court, shall be
fined the sum of not less than one dollar for each offense.


(All local fish laws were repealed by ch. 471, 1929. See 1929 Supplement to
Annotated Code, Art. 39.)


1927, ch. 459, sec. 83A.

151. No huckster, hawker or peddler shall sell or offer for sale any
vegetables, eggs, poultry, meats or other farm products in Calvert County
until he shall have first taken out a license for that purpose in accordance
with the provisions of this subtitle; provided, however, that this subtitle
shall not apply to the farmers or growers selling their own vegetables or
other perishable farm products.

1927, ch. 459, sec. 83B.

152. For every such license, the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Calvert
County shall be paid twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per annum. The re-

*Sec. 3, ch. 170, 1892, repeals all laws inconsistent therewith.

+The title of the Act indicated that it was to apply to village of Baratow only.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1480   View pdf image (33K)
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