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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1466   View pdf image (33K)
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1466 ARTICLE 5.

thereon of five per cent.; on oi1 before the first day of October following
,'d discount of four per cent.; on or before the first day of November fol-
lowing a discount of three per cent., and on or before the first day of
December following a discount of two per cent., which shall be allowed
by the treasurer in his settlement with them and which shall be allowed
the treasurer in his settlement with the Commissioners.

1890, ch. 183, sec. 6.

92. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to keep certain books to be
supplied by the said Commissioners, in which shall be entered a, full, fair
and correct account of all matters relating to the duties of his office, he
shall also keep,a full and fair correct cash account showing all sums of
money received by him so as to indicate the sources whence received and
showing all sums of money disbursed by him so as to indicate the pur-
poses to which applied; he shall report and exhibit to the said Commis-
sioners once in every two months or oftener if required by said Commis-
sioners, a full and particular statement and account of his receipts and
disbursements from the time of his appointment or from the time of his
last report as the case may be, and shall exhibit also his vouchers for his
disbursements, which vouchers after cancellation shall be retained by said
treasurer, but the statement shall be left with the Commissioners and
filed in the office; all books, accounts and papers belonging to the treas-
urer's office shall be the property and records of Calvert County, and at
all times shall be subject to the examination of the County Commission-
ers; all books, documents and papers, goods and chattels, accounts and
credits, money and deposits belonging to the treasurer's office or in his

custody as treasurer shall be delivered up and transferred by him to his
successor in office who shall receipt therefor; provided, that the tax levies
placed in his hands for collection or so much thereof which shall remain
uncollected or unaccounted for by him and for which his bond is respon-
sible shall be retained by him.

1890, ch. 183, sec. 7.

93. It shall be the duty of the treasurer as soon as the annual tax levy
shall have been made and placed in his hands to prepare the bill of each
taxpayer, and on application, he shall forward the bill by mail or other-
wise or deliver the same to the person or corporate institution to whom
the property included in such bill is asssessed; it shall be the duty of the
treasurer during the month of March succeeding each levy to make out
all tax bills which have not been paid in duplicate form, and to place the
same in the hands of the several constables of the districts wherein the
property assessed is located or the owners reside, to be delivered to the
parties owning the same, and each bill so made out shall contain a notice
that if the same be not paid on or before the first day of June next after
the date of said bill, the property upon which said taxes may be owing
will be levied upon and sold to enforce payment thereof, and there shall
be added to the principal sum of such State and county taxes so in default

and the interest thereon, the additional sum of twenty-five cents for the


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1466   View pdf image (33K)
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