tiiiuance in office, and shall take bond from said overseer, with good and
sufficient securities, in the penalty of five hundred dollars, current money,
payable to the said trustees of the poor, conditioned for the faithful per-
formance of the duties of his office.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 11. 1860, Art 5, sec. 11.
11. They may remove said overseer, and all other officers appointed
by them, and appoint others in their stead.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 12. 1860, Art. 5, sec. 12.
12. They shall meet at some convenient place in the county three times
in the year, in March, June and November, to make and ordain all such
rules and by-laws (the same not being contrary to law), as they may think
convenient and necessary for the direction, government and support of the
almshouse and for the maintenance and employment of all such poor per-
sons as shall be taken under their care, and of all vagrants, beggars, vaga-
bonds and other persons that may be committed thereto.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 13. 1860, Art. 5, sec. 13.
13. The overseer of the almshouse shall keep a regular list of all per-
sons committed to the almshouse, and regular accounts of all materials and
other things coming to his hands as overseer, and of all moneys received
and expended by him, and shall lay the same before the trustees at their
regular meetings, or whenever required by them.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5. sec. 14. 1860, Art. 5, sec. 14.
14. He may compel persons committed to said almshouse, if of suffi-
cint ability, to work, and shall sell the produce of their labor and apply
the proceeds to their support.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 15. 1860, Art. 5, sec. 15.
15. Any justice of the peace of the county, upon complaint made that
any person, from his disorderly conduct, gives disturbance to a neighbor-
hood and is likely to become chargeable to the comity, and being satisfied
that the complaint is well founded, may commit such disorderly person to
the almshouse for any time not exceeding three months, unless he shall
find security, in the discretion of the justice, for his good behavior during
the space of six months.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 16. 1860, Art. 5, sec. 16.
16. Upon complaint made by the overseer of the almshouse, and due
proof, that any person in said almshouse hath behaved in a disorderly
manner, or hath refused to perform his daily labor or to obey the rules
and by-laws of the corporation, or any of them, any trustee of the poor
may order and direct moderate and proper punishment, not exceeding ten
lashes for any one offense, to be given to such offender.