Almshouse..................... 1-21
Baltimore & Drum Point Rail-
road Co. ................... 22
Birds and Game................
Bridges........................ 23-26
Chesapeake Beach ............ 27-64
Cider..... ................... 65 66
Circuit Court ................. 67-72
County Commissioners ........ 73-86
County Treasurer ............. 87-99
Court House Lot............... 100-106
Crier..................... ... 107
Cruelty to Animals ............ 108
Dogs and Poxes ............... 109-137
Election Districts ............. 138-142
Elections..................... 143
Fences..... . ................. 144-147
Fines.......................... 148-149
Fireworks............. ... ... 150
Fish......... ...................
Hawkers and Peddlers......... 151-152
Hawks....................... 153-154
Immigration Commission ...... 155-157
Internal Improvements ....... 158-162
Junk......................... 163
Jurors............................ 164-167
Justices of the Peace and Con-
stables..................... 168-174
Landlord and Tenant........... 175
Liquor and Intoxicating Drinks 176-177
North Beach ................. 178-220
Notaries Public .............. 221
Orphans' Court ............... 222
Out Pensioners ............... 223
Oysters..... ................. 224-233
Railroads..................... 234-243
Records...................... 244-246
Roads..... .................. 247-280
Road Commissioners ........ 274
Road Bonds ................ 275-279
Road Signs ................. 280
Sheriff........................ 281
Solomons . ............... 282-298
State's Attorney .............. 299
Swine in Lower Marlborough... 300-301
Taxes. .................. 302-308
Tobacco......... ................ 309-313
Trespass...... ............... 314-315
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 1. 1860, Art. 5, sec. 1.
1. The County Commissioners, at their annual meeting for making
a levy, shall appoint three sensible and discreet men trustees of the poor
of Calvert County.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 2. 1860, Art. 5, sec. 2.
2. In case of death, resignation, refusal to act, removal out of the
county, or disqualification of any of said trustees, the remainder of said
trustees shall fill the vacancy until the next annual meeting of the County
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 3. 1860, Art. 5, sec. 3.
3. Each trustee of the poor shall be allowed two dollars for each day
he shall attend on the business of his office.