sixty men, so many may be appointed as sergeants as in the judgment
of the said Commissioner, may be necessary, and the remainder shall be
patrolmen; and the Board of Estimates shall provide in the Ordinance of
Estimates for 1919 for the additional expense so estimated by the Com-
missioner to properly enroll, arm, equip and maintain said additional
force of sixty men, and the same shall be allowed in the Ordinance of
Estimates for the year 1919. After the passage of said Ordinance said
Commissioner shall appoint and equip the additional force herein pro-
vided for, so that the same may be ready for service on January 1, 1919.
In making such appointments, said Commissioner is hereby directed to
give preference to the members of the Police force now employed by the
County Commissioners of Baltimore County and of Anne Arundel County,
respectively, and residing in the territory annexed by this Act to Balti-
more City, and whom they may deem properly qualified to discharge the
duties of the positions. The said additional force of sixty men, when
enrolled in pursuance of this Section, shall be to all intents and purposes
and shall thereafter remain a portion of the police force of Baltimore
City, and shall be subject to duty at any place to which they may be
ordered by said Commissioner. On and after January 1, 1919, all the
duties heretofore resting upon the Police Commissioner of Baltimore City,
with reference to the territory comprised within the limits of Baltimore
City as they existed prior to the passage of this Act and the inhabitants
thereof, shall rest upon the said Commissioner with reference to the
territory comprised within the limits of Baltimore City, as established
by this Act and the inhabitants thereof.
1918, ch. 82, sec. 15.
Sec. 15. And lie it further enacted, That all the inhabitants of the
territory annexed to Baltimore City by this Act shall, in all respects and
to all intents and purposes, be subject to the powers, jurisdiction and
authority vested, or to be vested by law, in the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore, and to all the Ordinances now in force, so far as the same
may be consistent with the provisions of this Act, and the territory so
annexed shall, in all respects, be taken and considered as part of said City
of Baltimore. Provided, however, that the Act of 1908, Chapter 583,
shall not apply to the territory annexed by this Act to Baltimore City
that the Special Paving Tax levied by the Act of 1912, Chapter 688,
shall not attach to any property in the territory annexed by this Act to
Baltimore City, on account of any improved paving laid before the
passage of this Act, except paving done by the State Roads Commis-
sion, and that no ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
existing prior to the passage of this Act, prohibiting the maintenance of
stock yards, abattoirs, packing plants or other plants for the handling of
live stock and live stock products, or fertilizer or acid works or soap fac-
tories or rendering plants; or prohibiting the keeping or driving of live
stock or the keeping of fowls, or prohibiting or regulating manufacturing
or other industrial works or businesses existing, and as conducted, prior