been legally condemned as streets under the provisions of the acts of
Assembly of Maryland relating to streets in Baltimore County, shall be
held to be validly constituted streets of Baltimore City in all respects as
if the same had been legally condemned as such by the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore; and all proceedings for the laying off, opening,
grading and construction of streets, avenues or alleys, which shall have
been begun under the existing street laws of Baltimore County, prior to
the passage of this Act, shall be proceeded with and completed under said
street laws of Baltimore County, in all respects as if this Act had not
been passed.
Sec. 13. And be it further enacted. That the Mayor of the City of
Baltimore is hereby authorized and directed to appoint one Commissioner,
and the County Commissioners of Baltimore County are authorized and
directed to appoint one Commissioner, and the Governor of the State
shall appoint one Commissioner, and it shall be the duty of said Commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, forthwith to cause the metes and bounds
of the territory described in the first, second and third sections of this
Act, to be surveyed, located and marked by such monuments as will, in
their judgment, point out with sufficient, distinctness the location of
said metes and bounds; and they shall cause separate plats or maps to be
made of the portion of territory described in each of the first, second and
third sections of this Act, on which plats or maps shall be shown the out-
lines of said territory and the lines and boundaries of the election pre-
cincts in said territory, together with such roads and other landmarks
as will, in the judgment of said commissioners, or a majority of them,
afford sufficient means of information to determine what persons are resi-
dent within the portion of territory described in each of the said first,
second and third sections of this Act; and the said Commissioners, or a
majority of them, shall cause copies of said maps or plats to be set up
in the said territory, at such places as they shall select, and shall fur-
nish copies of the same to the judges of elections, for use at the polls, and
shall, by advertisements inserted in at least four of the daily newspapers
published in Baltimore City, and three published in Towsontown, at
least ten days before the day of election, give such information in refer-
ence to the location and boundaries of the several portions of territory
proposed to be annexed to Baltimore City, and such explanation of said
plats or maps as will, in their judgment, enable all persons to ascertain
whether they are entitled to vote at said special elections and their re-
spective polling places. If either of the portions of territory described
in the first, second or third sections of this Act shall become a part of
Baltimore City under the provisions hereof, the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore shall cause a map or plat of such portion or portions of ter-
ritory so becoming a part of Baltimore City, certified to be correct by
the Mayor of said city, to be filed and recorded among the land records
of Baltimore City in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Bal-
timore City, and among the land records of Baltimore County in the