receive the sum of twenty-five cents for issuing every warrant, and fifty
cents for making out every commitment or indenture of apprenticeship
of such vagrants or beggars; and the constable, sheriff or police officer, for
serving said warrant and bringing the person charged before either of
said Courts, or before said Justice, shall receive the sum of fifty cents,
and for carrying any person committed to the place of commitment, the
sum of fifty cents, which several sums shall be paid as other costs in crim-
inal cases are now paid; but. either of said Courts or said Justice may
at discretion, adjudge that the said costs shall be paid by the informer,
in cases where the person charged is acquitted.
1878, ch. 473. P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4, sec. 894. 1888, ch. 123, sec. 881.
881. No minor, if a girl, under the age of sixteen years, and if a boy,
under the age of fourteen years, shall be admitted or permitted to remain
in any saloon, place of entertainment or amusement known as dance-
houses, concert saloon, theatre or varieties, where immoral, indecent, ob-
scene or vulgar language, display or performance is permitted, allowed
or carried on, or where any spirituous liquors, wines, intoxicating or malt
liquors are sold, exchanged or given away, unless accompanied by parents
or guardian. Any proprietor, keeper or manager of any such place who
shall admit such minor to or permit him or her to remain in such place,
unless accompanied by parent or guardian, shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor, and shall, upon conviction by any court of competent jurisdic-
tion, be fined ten dollars and costs for each and every offence.
1878, ch. 473. P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4, sec. 895. 1888, ch. 123, sec. 882.
882. Every person having the custody of any girl under the age of
sixteen years and of any boy under the age of fourteen years shall restrain
such child from habitually begging, whether actually begging or under
the pretense of peddling. Any person offending under this section shall
be considered and deemed as incapable of taking care of and providing
for such child, and such child, by reason thereof, be deemed as coming
within the conditions of the next succeeding section.
1878, ch. 473. P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4, sec. 896. 1888, ch. 123, sec. 883.
883. Any girl apparently under the age of sixteen years, and any boy
apparently under the age of fourteen years, that comes within any of the
following descriptions named: that is known to be habitually begging
or receiving alms, whether actually begging or under the pretence of
peddling or offering for sale anything, or being in any street, road or
public place for the purpose of so begging, gathering or receiving alms;
that is found wandering and not having any home or settled place of
abode or proper guardianship or visible means of subsistence; that is
found destitute, either being an orphan or having a vicious parent who
is undergoing penal servitude or imprisonment; that frequents the com-