P. L. L. (1860), Art. 4, sec. 251. P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4, sec. 413.
520. The Mayor, or other person discharging the duties of his office,
shall require the owner or consignee of every vessel arriving from a for-
eign country, or from any other of the United States, which shall be en-
tered in said custom-house, upon pain of forfeiture to the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, of twenty dollars for every neglect or omission to
give a several bond to the State of Maryland in the penalty of three hun-
dred dollars, for each passenger included in the report of the master or
commander of such vessel directed to be made by the preceding section,
and conditioned to indemnify and save harmless each and every city, town
and county in this State, from any cost which such city, town or county
shall incur, for the relief or support of the person named in the bond,
within five years from the date of the bond, and also to indemnify and
refund any charge or expense such city, town or county may necessarily
incur for the support or medical care of the person named therein, if
received into the almshouse or hospital or any other institution under their
P. L. L. (1860), Art. 4, sec. 252. P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4, sec. 414.
521. Every such bond shall be signed by two or more sufficient securi-
ties, residents of the State of Maryland, each of whom shall prove, by
oath or otherwise, that he is owner of a freehold in said State of the value
of three hundred dollars over and above all claims or liens thereon or
against him, including any contingent claim which may accrue from or
upon any former bond given under the provisions of this subdivision of
this Article.
P. L. L. (1860), Art. 4, sec. 253. P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4. sec. 415.
522. If the principal in said bond choose, instead of the security
required in the preceding sections, he may secure said bond by mortgage
of real estate, or by the pledge and transfer of public stock of the United
States, or of the State of Maryland, or qf the City of Baltimore, or by
deposit of the amount of the penalty in some bank, subject to the order of
the Mayor of the city.
P. L. L. (1860), Art. 4, sec. 254. P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4, sec. 416.
523. Any security, whether real or personal, offered by such owner or
consignee, shall first be approved by the Mayor of the city.
P. L. L. (1860), Art. 4, sec. 255. P. L. L. (1888). Art. 4, sec. 417.
524. The owner or consignee of any vessel may at any time within
three days after the landing of such passengers, commute for the bond
hereinbefore required, by paying to the City Register the sum of one dol-
lar and fifty cents for each and every passenger reported as hereinbefore
required by this subdivision of this Article, and the receipt of such sum by
the City Register shall be deemed a full and sufficient discharge from the
requirement ,of giving such bond.