1074 ARTICLE 4.
and dumb persons, under the provisions of this subdivision of this Article,
in the order in which they may be made; and if the applications be more
than sufficient to absorb the aforegoing appropriation, he shall suspend
the action upon the excess until vacancies occur, or further provision be
made by the General Assembly.
1868, ch. 205. 1886, ch. 278. P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4, sec. 248.
397. A sum not exceeding twenty-one thousand dollars shall be and is
hereby annually appropriated, to be applied, under the direction of the
Governor, in placing for instruction in the Maryland Institute for the
Instruction of the Blind, such indigent blind persons of the age of nine
years and upwards, inhabitants of this State and the county or city from
which they are recommended, to the Governor by the county commissioners
of each county, or the judges of the Orphans' Court of Baltimore City.
P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4, sec. 249.
398. The recommendation shall state that such blind persons are in
such indigent circumstances as to be unable from their own resources, or
those of their parents, to obtain instruction, and are of good natural
1865, ch. 75. 1886. ch. 278. P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4, sec. 250.
399. The amount per annum paid for any one individual shall not
exceed the sum of three hundred dollars, nor the term of instruction eight
P. L. L. (1888). Art. 4, sec. 251.
400. The Governor shall report to the General Assembly at each regu-
lar session thereof the amount of money expended by him in pursuance
of the provisions of this sub-division of this Article and the names, ages
and places of residence of the different applicants.
1912. ch. 71.
400A. That the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore be and it is
hereby authorized and empowered to appropriate for the Maryland Work-
shop for the Blind a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000.00)
annually, to aid in the maintenance of the work of that institution.
P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4, sec. 215A. 1896, ch. 270.
401. If any person shall maliciously cut, disfigure, mutilate, damage,
destrov or otherwise injure any goods, wares, materials or merchandise
intended to be manufactured, made up or converted into garments, wear-
ing apparel or other articles of merchandise, and belonging to any other
person, or shall maliciously cut, disfigure or otherwise injure any gar-
ments, wearing apparel or other articles of merchandise belonging to any
other person, or shall cause the same to be done, or shall by any means