by or for the use of said prisoner, and the surplus of any such compensation,
if any, shall be credited to and belong to the injured prisoner. The dis-
position of the compensation as above provided shall continue until the
prisoner shall resume work or until his death or discharge from the insti-
tution. When such prisoner shall resume work any compensation to which
he may still be entitled by reason of partial disability, temporary or perma-
nent, shall be payable to the institution and first applied towards reim-
bursement to the institution for any loss which it may sustain in the earn-
ings of said prisoner by reason of his injuries, and the balance, if any,
shall belong to and be credited to the amount of such prisoner. Upon the
discharge of the prisoner, whether by reason of the expiration of the
term, or, by reason of a pardon or parole, the remainder of the compensa-
tion for which the employer may be liable hereunder shall be paid directly
to the prisoner, and it shall be the duty of the institution in which any
prisoner, who is receiving compensation under the provisions of this Arti-
cle, is confined, to promptly notify the State Industrial Accident Commis-
sion of the discharge of any such prisoner in order that an amended
award may be made directing the payment to the said prisoner of any
future compensation to which the prisoner may be entitled.
Whenever any prisoner in the Maryland Penitentiary or the Maryland
House of Correction shall be engaged in any extra-hazardous work within
the meaning of this Article for which wages or a stipulated sum are paid
by said institution this Article shall be applicable thereto, and the average
weekly wages of any such prisoner injured in the course of his or her
employment shall be the average weekly wages paid by the institution to
such prisoner, and in addition thereto, a fair and reasonable sum to be
determined by the State Industrial Accident Commission for the beard and
maintenance of such prisoner not to exceed the amount customarily re-
ceived by the institution for its own use for prisoners engaged in extra-
hazardous employments for private employers. The State Industrial
Accident Commission in making awards to such prisoners so injured in
the course of their employment, shall direct the institution employing such
prisoner to deduct from its award the sum found by it to be reasonable for
the beard and maintenance of such prisoner, in determining the average
weekly wages, and the balance, if any, shall belong to and be credited to the
account of such prisoner. Upon the discharge of such prisoner whether
by reason of the expiration of the sentence or by parole or pardon, the
said institution shall pay the remainder of the compensation to which
any said prisoner shall be entitled, to the prisoner, and shall promptly
notify the State Industrial Accident Commission of the discharge of any
such prisoner in order that its award may be modified accordingly.
Upon the death of any prisoner resulting from accidental injuries arising
out of and in the course of his employment within the meaning of this
Article, his dependents shall be entitled to compensation as determined by
this Article and based upon average weekly wages as hereinabove defined.