C42 ARTICLE 101.
Payment of said taxes may be enforced by civil action in the name of the
State of Maryland, and the amounts so assessed and collected by the Com-
mission shall be paid into the State Treasury to reimburse the State for
this portion of the expense of administering the Workmen's Compensation
Law. And the Commission shall be and is hereby clothed with such
power and authority to examine payrolls and require reports from em-
ployers and insurance carriers as may be reasonable and necessary to carry
out the provisions of this section and to adopt rules and regulations in
regard thereto.
Corporate Insurance.
Where policy cancelled and new policy issued at suggestion of insured, with
insurer's consent, and notice given commission prior to accident, provision as to
notice of cancellation held not controlling; notice waived. Eurich v. General
Casualty Co., 152 Md. 213.
Application of Article; Extra-Hazardous Employments.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 32. 1914, ch. 800, sec. 32. 1916, ch. 597, sec. 32.
1920, ch. 456, sec. 32. 1924, ch. 583, sec. 32. 1929, ch. 331.
32. Compensation provided for in this Article shall be payable for
injuries sustained or death incurred by employees engaged in the follow-
ing extra-hazardous employments:
(1) The operation, including construction and repair, of railways oper-
ated by steam, electric or other motive power, street railways and incline
railways, but not in their construction when constructed by any person
other than the company which owns or operates the railways, including
work of express, sleeping, parlor and dining car employees on railway
(2) Construction and operation of railways not included in paragraph 1.
(3) The operation, including construction and repair, of car shops,
machine shops, steam and power plants, and other works for the purposes
of any such railway, or used or to be used in connection with it when oper-
ated, constructed or repaired by the company which owns or operates the
(4) The operation, including construction and repair, of car shops, ma-
chine shops, steam and power plants, not included in paragraph 3.
(5) The operation, including construction and repair, of telephone lines
and wires for the purposes of the business of a telephone company, or used
or to be used in connection with its business, when constructed or operated
by the company.
(6) The operation, including construction and repair, of telegraph lines
and wires for the purposes of the business of a telegraph company, or used
or to be used in connection with its business, when constructed or operated
by the company.
(7) Construction of telegraph and telephone lines not included in para-
graphs 5 and 6.