640 ARTICLE 101.
there was subsisting right of action. Phosphorus poisoning held accidental in-
jury. Occupational disease. Suit at law not maintainable. Victory Sparkler
Co. v. Francks, 147 Md. 376.
To first note to this section, page 3115, vol. 2, of Code, add Mattare v. Cun-
ningham, 148 Md. 313.
See notes to secs. 32, 33, 36, 62 and 65.
See notes to secs. 14, 36 and 62.
State Accident Fund.
See sec. 58A.
Cited but not construed in Lowe v. Lowe, 150 Md. 603 (see notes to art. 16,
sec. 37).
An. Code, 1924, sec. 21. 1914, ch. 800, sec. 21. 1929, ch. 425.
21. Every employer subject to the operation and effect of this Article,
who shall insure in the State Accident Fund, shall every four months sub-
mit a report to the Commission herein created, according to the regulations
and requirements it may prescribe, of his payroll for four months then
Upon the failure of an employer to comply with the requirements of
the preceding paragraph of this section, the State Industrial Accident
Commission may pass an order cancelling the policy of insurance of any
such employer, such cancellation to be effective upon the expiration of ten
(10) days after the passage of said Order; and it shall be the duty of
the Secretary of the State Industrial Accident Commission to mail a copy
by registered mail of any such Order to the employer at his last known
address promptly after the passage thereof.
Any employer who shall, with fraudulent intent, misrepresent to the
Commission the amount of payroll upon which the premium under this
Article is based, shall be liable to the Commission in ten times the amount
of the difference in the premium paid and the amount the employer should
have paid. The liability to the Commission under this provision shall be
enforced in a civil action in the name of the Commission. All sums col-
lected under this section shall be paid into the State Accident Fund.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 27. 1914, ch. 800, sec. 27. 1916, ch. 597, sec. 27.
1920, ch. 456, sec. 27. 1927, ch. 552.
27. The entire expense of conducting and administering the State Acci-
dent Fund, as likewise all other expenses of the State Industrial Accident
Commission, shall be paid in the first instance by the State out of the
monies appropriated for the maintenance of the State Industrial Accident
Commission and the payment of the salaries and expenses of said Com-
mission and its officers and employees. In the month of January, nineteen
hundred and eighteen, and annually thereafter in such moth the Com-
mission shall ascertain the just expense incurred by the Commission during