1927, ch. 568, sec. 78.
75. Any person apprehended for violation of this Article and where
a penalty is imposed shall stand committed to Jail of Baltimore City or
to the Jail of one of the counties of this State until such fine and costs
are paid; however, said sentences shall not exceed one day for each dollar
so imposed.
1927, ch. 568, sec. 79.
76. Any person other than the Game Warden, Deputy Game Warden
or Officer under the Conservation Department, receiving compensation,
who shall procure the conviction of any person violating any provision or
provisions of this Article shall receive one-half of the fine recovered, the
remaining one-half shall be paid to the Game Warden or to the State
Comptroller to be placed to the credit of the State Game Protection Fund
to be used as provided by law.
1927, ch. 568, sec. 80.
77. Any Justice of the Peace or Court, who shall impose a fine on any
person for violating any of the provisions of this Article and said fine is
collected by said Justice of the Peace or Court, shall transmit the fine or
fines to the Game Warden or to the State Comptroller the first of each and
every month after said sentence has been imposed and fine collected.
1927, ch. 568, sec. 81.
78. If any clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Article shall,
for any reason, be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be
unconstitutional and invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or
invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to
the clause, sentence, paragraph or section thereof so found unconstitu-
tional and invalid.
1927, ch. 568, sec. 3.
79. All game laws, whether general or local, except as provided in this
Article, are hereby repealed.
1927, ch. 568, sec. 4.
80. The provisions of this Article shall in no manner prevent the
prosecution of persons who have been arrested for violation of laws exist-
ing on the statute books of this State prior to its enactment. The repeal
by this Article of any provisions of law shall not revive any law hereto-
fore repealed or superseded, nor shall any such repeal affect any act done,
liability incurred, or any right accrued or vested, or affect, or abate, or
prevent any right or penalty or punish any offense under the authority of
such repealed laws.