622 ARTICLE 99.
1927, ch. B68, sec. 43.
44. A bona fide resident of this State or a non-resident owner of land
bordering on the Potomac River or a non-resident assessed at Five Hun-
dred Dollars ($500. 00) or more on the tax books of this State, may erect,
set or maintain a booby, brush or stake blind as provided in this sub-title,
after first obtaining a license so to do from the Clerk of the Circuit Court
of the County in which said blind is located opposite the shore thereof, in
the same manner as the hunting licenses are issued, and said Clerk is au-
thorized to issue said license upon payment by the applicant of the sum of
Five Dollars ($5. 00), and in addition to the license fee so received the
Clerk issuing same shall collect and retain the sum of Fifty Cents (50c),
in lieu of all other compensation, as the Clerk's fee. The Clerk of Court
shall not issue to any one person, license to erect, set or maintain more than
two booby, brush or stake blinds in or over the waters of this State, pro-
vided that license shall be issued for only one such blind in the waters of
Dickinson's Bay and Reed's Creek in Talbot County; however, the issu-
ance of two blinds shall not apply to co-partnerships, associations or cor-
porations. Such license shall be void on the first day of June of each year
"following the date of issuance. Said Clerk shall not accept an application
for license for any blind until after June 1st of each year and shall issue
license in rotation as applications are received. Such license shall not be
"transferable, and if used or presented by any person other than the per-
son to whom it was issued, such license shall be confiscated by the Game
Warden or any Deputy Game Warden, Constable or other officer who shall
find such licenses being used illegally, and the blind for which said license
was issued, destroyed.
The Clerks of the Circuit Courts of the Counties shall, on the first day
of Juno, 1927, and on the first day of each and every month thereafter,
transmit to the State Comptroller all moneys received by them for such
licenses. Said moneys so received by the Comptroller shall be placed to the
credit of a separate fund to be known as "The State Game Protection
Fund, " and shall be disbursed by said Comptroller from time to time cm
warrants signed by the Conservation Commissioner or the Game Warden.
1927, ch. 568, sec. 44.
45. Blank applications shall be furnished to the Clerks of Courts of
this State by the Game Warden, and shall provide for the location of the
Wind, name of the owner of said shore property, opposite which said blind
is located. Application for any such license may be made through the
mails, and upon the proper information as provided herein the Clerk of
the Court shall issue same. Said license shall bear the signature of the
Game Warden and shall be countersigned by the Clerk issuing the same,
who shall at the same time fill out on a stub attached to the license blank,
the name and address of the licensee and the location of blind, and shall
then detach said stub and mail to the Game Warden. In addition to said
license for said blind, every person hunting from same must have in
possession a Hunter's License, and tag displayed on outer garment, center
of back, as provided by law.