598 ARTICLE 96.
Public Buildings and Land. 1
28. Jurisdiction over land now or here-
after acquired; period for which
grant shall continue; condition;
exemption from taxation.
34-35. Repealed.
Public Buildings and Land.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 28. 1912, sec. 28. 1904, sec. 26. 1902, ch. 263, secs. 1, 2.
1904, ch. 357, sees. 1, 2. 1908, ch. 194.
28. 2 The jurisdiction of the State of Maryland is hereby ceded to the
United States of America over so much land as has been or may be here-
after acquired for public purposes of the United States; provided, that the
jurisdiction hereby ceded shall not vest until the United States of America
shall have acquired the title to the lands, by grant or deed, from the owner
or owners thereof, and evidences thereof shall have been recorded in the
office where, by law, the title to said land is required to be recorded and
the United States of America are to retain such jurisdiction so long as
such lands shall be for the purposes in this section mentioned, and no
longer; and such jurisdiction is granted upon the express condition that
the State of Maryland shall retain a concurrent jurisdiction with the
United States in and over the said lands, so far as that civil process in all
cases not affecting real or personal property of the United States, and such
criminal or other process as shall issue under the authority of the State of
Maryland against any person or persons charged with crimes or misde-
meanors committed within or without the limits of said lands may be exe-
cuted therein, in the same way and manner as if no jurisdiction had been
hereby ceded. All lands and tenements which may be granted as aforesaid
to the United States shall be and continue so long as the same shall be used
for the purposes in this section mentioned, exonerated and discharged from
all taxes, assessment and other charges which may be imposed under the
authority of the State of Maryland; provided, however, that the rights of
citizenship and other rights as residents of Charles county of persons domi-
ciled on land owned by the United States at Indian Head shall be continued
and enjoyed by them to the same extent as now provided by law for per-
sons domiciled at the Naval Academy at Annapolis as residents of Anne
Arundel county.
1 Ch. 623 of acts of 1927 ceded to U. S. whatever title State of Maryland had to
four parcels of land in Montgomery County for increasing water supply of District
of Columbia.
2 Due to an error in ch. 357 of acts of 1904, as contained in printed volume of acts
for that year, this section is reprinted in this volume.