Chapter 3A. State Superintendent of Schools.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 36. 1912, sec. 21B. 1916, ch. 506, sec. 21B. 1920, ch. 489.
1929, ch. 152, sec. 36.
36. The State Superintendent of Schools, subject to the rules and
regulations of the 'State Board of Education, shall direct the taking of a
biennial school census of all the children in the State between the ages of
6 and 18 inclusive which shall show the names and addresses of all such
children who are physically handicapped, said census to be taken first in
the year 1922 and every two years thereafter. The State Superintendent
of Schools may cause the whole or any part of the school census of the City
of Baltimore, or of any county, to be retaken at any time, if in his judg-
ment the whole or any part of such census has not been properly or cor-
rectly taken. Whenever the State Board of Education shall receive the
school census from the County Boards of Education and the Police Com-
missioner of Baltimore City, the State Superintendent of Schools shall
cause to be prepared a list of all physically handicapped children shown
therein with their names and addresses, and shall furnish a copy thereof to
the State Board of Health.
Chapter 4. County Board of Education.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 41. 1912, sec. 24. 1904, sec. 23. 1888, sec. 20. 1872, ch. 377.
1916, ch. 506, sec. 24. 1929, ch. 226, sec. 41 (p. 721).
41. All the property, estate, effects, money, funds, claims and state
donations heretofore vested by law in the public school authorities of any
county, for the benefit of public, primary, free or high schools, are trans-
ferred to and vested in the county boards of education, and their succes-
sors in office. The county beards of education are authorized, empowered,
directed and required to maintain a uniform and effective system of public
schools throughout their respective counties. Real and personal estate
granted, conveyed, devised or bequeathed for the use of any particular
county or school district shall be held in trust by the county board of edu-
cation for the benefit of such county or school district.
See secs. 237 and 238 and art. 81, sec. 7.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 55. 1912, sec. 25M. 1916, ch. 506, sec. 25M. 1920, ch. 490.
1929, ch. 152, sec. 55.
55. The County Board of Education shall, subject to the direction of
the State Superintendent of 'Schools and to the rules and regulations of
the State Board of Education, cause to be taken, under the direction of the
County Superintendent, a biennial school census of the children of the
county between the ages of six and eighteen years, inclusive, which shall
show the names and addresses of all such children who are physically
handicapped, said census to be taken first in the year 1922, and every two
years thereafter. The County Superintendent shall cause, upon the direc-
tion at any time of the State Superintendent of Schools, the whole or any
part of the school census of his county to be retaken. A complete record
of each such census when so taken shall be promptly furnished by the
County Board of Education to the State Board of Education. Whosoever