103. Protection against fraud.
104. Limitation on membership.
105. Constitutionality; inconsistent laws
106-113. Repealed.
Chapter 12. State Formal Schools.
156. Repealed.
Chapter 13. Teachers' Institutes.
163. Repealed.
Chapter 15. Public Libraries.
172. Repealed.
Chapter 17. High Schools.
193. State aid, conditions of; groups of
high schools; teachers.
194. Repealed.
195- Salaries.
196. Inspection of high schools receiv-
ing state aid; lists; require-
ments where more than one
school in same town.
197. Amount of state aid.
198. What certificates or diplomas shall
Farmers' Institutes.
218. Repealed.
Chapter 21. School Attendance.
227. Census in Baltimore City of chil-
dren between 5 and 18 years;
physically handicapped children;
false statements.
235. List of deaf, blind, feeble-minded
or physically handicapped chil-
dren not attending school and
physically handicapped children
attending school.
235A. State Board of Health to examine
and classify physically handi-
capped children; recommenda-