Sec. 1.
This section referred to in discussing meaning of term "citizen"—see notes
to Code, art. 25, sec. 143. Fitzwater v. Hydro-Elec. Corp., 149 Md. 466.
Sec. 13.
See notes to art. 17, sec. 1, of Constitution.
Sec. 17. '
This section referred to in construing art. 3, sec. 52, of Constitution—See
notes thereto. Baltimore v. O'Connor, 147 Md. 645.
Sec. 15. The General Assembly may continue its session so long as in
its judgment the public interest may require, for a period not longer than
ninety days; and each member thereof shall receive a compensation of
fifteen dollars per diem for every day he shall attend the session, but not
for such days as he may be absent, unless absent on account of sickness or
by leave of the House of which he is a member; and he shall also receive
such mileage as may be allowed by law, not exceeding twenty cents per
mile; and the presiding officer of each House shall receive an additional
compensation of ten dollars per day. When the General Assembly shall be
convened by Proclamation of the Governor, the session shall not continue
longer than thirty days, and in such case the compensation shall be the
same as herein prescribed. 1
Sec. 17.
In providing a different method of electing town clerk of Westernport, and
giving him duty of collecting taxes and making different provision as to his
compensation, Legislature did not create office within meaning of this section.
Intent of this section. Presumption in favor of eligibility. Westernport v.
Green, 144 Md. 86.
1 An amendment making this section read as above was submitted by act of 1929,
oh. 348, and will be voted upon by the people in November, 1930. For the section
in its present form, see page 81, vol. 1, 1924 ed.