276 ARTICLE 48.
of timothy, redtop, tall meadow oat grass, orchard grass, crested dogstail,.
Canada bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, fescues, brome grass, perennial and
Italian ryegrass, western ryegrass, crimson clover, mammoth clover, red
clover, white clover, alsike clover, sweet clover, alfalfa, and all other grasses
and clovers not otherwise classified; (2) one in twenty-five grams of mill-
ets, rape, flax, and other seeds not specified in (1) or (3) of this sub-sec-
tion; (3) one in one hundred grams of wheat, oats, rye, barley, buckwheat,
vetches, and other seeds as large or larger than wheat.
For purposes of this sub-title, the following shall be defined as noxious
weeds; garlic or wild onions (Allium vineale), Bermuda grass (Cynodon
dactylon), quack grass (Agropyron repens), dodder (Cuscuta species), Can-
ada thistle (Cirsium arvense), hawkweed (Hieracium species), and chic-
ory (Cichorium intybus).
E: The approximate percentage of germination of such agricultural
seeds together with the month and year said seed was tested; provided fur-
ther that the State Board of Agriculture shall be empowered to test and
publish the results of such tests as herein provided, together with the month
and year such test was made by said Board, together with the percentage
of germination and date of test as shown on tag or label.
It shall be permissable for the local merchant or distributor of seed in
this state to adopt and use the Analysis furnished by the original seller,
and for all intents and purposes the requirements of this section shall be
considered as complied with in cases where the said local dealer or dis-
tributor permits the Analysis tag of the original seller to remain attached
to the proper container of such seed, so long as it is in his possession, for a
period not to exceed three months from date of delivery, after which time
it shall be the duty of the said local dealer or distributor to attach his or
their own Analysis Tag and remove therefrom the Analysis Tag of the
original shipper, provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed
as relieving the local dealer or distributor from full responsibility for the
accuracy of the Analysis under which said seed is sold.
F: The full name and address of the person, firm or corporation assum-
ing the responsibility, under the condition of this sub-title, for the informa-
tion placed on the tags or labels as required by this Section.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 118. 1912, sec. 101. 1918, ch. 200, sec. 101. 1927, ch. 460, sec. 118.
118. Mixtures of alsike and timothy, alsike and white clover, redtop
and timothy, alsike and red clover, when sold, offered or exposed for sale
as mixtures, and in lots of ten (10) pounds or more shall have affixed there-
to, in a conspicuous place on the exterior of the container of such mixture
of seeds, a plainly written or printed tag or label in the English language,
A: That such seed is a mixture.
B: The name and approximate percentage by weight of each kind of
agricultural seed present in such mixture in excess of five (5) per cent, by
weight of the total mixture.