1929, ch. 318, sec. 14.
14. (Federal Law Followed. ) It is hereby declared that the policy,
principles and practices established by the United States Air Commerce
Act of 1926, and all amendments thereto, are hereby adopted and extended
and made applicable, mutatis mutandis, to cover all air traffic in this State,
so far as not covered by federal law at any time.
1929, ch. 318, sec. 14A.
15. (State Aviation Commission. ) There is hereby created a State
Aviation Commission consisting of five members, to be appointed by the
Governor, for a term of three years, the members of said Commission to
serve without compensation. One member shall be Chairman and one
member shall be Secretary-Treasurer. 'Not less than three members of
the above Commission shall be licensed pilots or have had at least 5 years'
actual experience as pilots.
The Commission shall have power to procure and use an official seal
and to employ such secretarial and clerical assistance and other employees
as may be necessary, provided that their compensation shall be paid by
the Commission from such revenues as are derived from the operation of
this sub-title. The said Commission shall report in writing to the Gover-
nor on or before December 1st each year and said report shall contain a
summary of its proceedings during the year, a detailed and itemized state-
ment of all the revenues and expenditures made by or in the behalf of the
Commission, such other information as the Commission may deem neces-
sary or useful and any additional information which may be requested by
the Governor.
1929, ch. 318, sec. 15.
16. (Power to Regulate. ) The Commission shall administer the pro-
visions of this sub-title, and for such purpose is authorized to make such
regulations as are necessary to execute the functions vested in it by this
sub-title, including air traffic rules, which regulations, to carry out the
provisions and intent of this sub-title, shall conform to and coincide with,
so far as possible, the provisions of the Air Commerce Act of 1926, and
amendments thereto, passed by the Congress of the United States and Air
Commerce Regulations and air traffic rules issued from time to time pur-
suant thereto.
1929, ch. 318, sec. 16.
17. (Aircraft License Required. ) No civil aircraft shall be flown or
operated in this State unless such aircraft either is licensed as provided
by Section 19 of this sub-title or shall have an appropriate existing license
under Federal law.
1929, ch. 318, sec. 17.
18. (Airman License Required. ) No person shall act as an airman of
any civil aircraft when such aircraft is flown or operated in this State
unless he shall have either a license as provided in Section 20 of this sub-
title, or an appropriate existing license under Federal law.