the beginning of the school year succeeding March.31, 1906, furnish the
Board of County School Commissioners or the Board of Education of
Baltimore City, as the case may be, with the names of all children who are
deaf, blind or feeble minded, between the ages of six and eighteen years,
inclusive, living within the boundaries of his or her school district who do
not attend school. And the board of county school commissioners or board
of education of Baltimore City shall certify forthwith the names of all
such deaf, blind or feeble minded children to the respective principals of
the State schools for such children.
An. Code, sec. 173. 1904, sec. 169. 1904, ch. 584, sec. 2. 1916, ch. 506, sec. 173.
236. Wherever the words " superintendent of public education " occur
in this Article, they shall be construed to mean state superintendent of
schools; wherever the words " board of county school commissioners " occur,
they shall be construed to mean " county board of education"; and
wherever the words " board of district school trustees " occur, they shall
be construed to mean " district board of school trustees." Nothing in the
Act of 1916, chapter 506, shall be construed to modify the duties or increase
the powers of the State Board of Education with reference to the schools
in Baltimore City.1
An. Code, sec. 175. 1904, sec. 171. 1888, sec. 108. 1872, ch. 377.
237. Real and personal estate granted, conveyed, devised or bequeathed
for the use of any particular county or school district shall be held in
trust by the board of county school commissioners for the benefit of such
county or school district, and such grants and bequests shall be exempt from
all State and county taxes.
See art. 25, secs. 163 and 164.
An. Code, sec. 176. 1904, sec. 172. 1888, sec. 109. 1872, ch. 377.
238. Moneys invested in trust for the benefit of the public schools for
any county or city shall be exempt from State, county or local tax.
As to exemptions from taxation, see art. 81, sec. 4.
An. Code, sec. 176A. 1918, ch. 75.
239. It shall be the duty of the Board of Education of each and every
county in the State of Maryland, and of the Board of Education for Balti-
more City, in the State of Maryland, to cause to have displayed a flag of
the United States of America upon every public school building within
their respective jurisdictions while said schools are in session, and to that
end shall make all necessary purchase of flags, staffs and appliances therefor
and establish rules and regulations for the proper custody, care and display
1 Sec. 2 of act of 1916, ch. 506, provides for the repeal of all acts or parts of acts in-
consistent with said act of 1916, to the extent of such inconsistency.