2514 ARTICLE 77.
dent or principal of any school, or person or persons duly authorized
by said superintendent or principal may excuse cases of necessary absence
among its enrolled pupils; and provided further, that the provisions of
this section shall not apply to a child whose mental or physical condition
is such as to render its instruction as above described inexpedient or im-
practicable. Every .person having under his control a child, between
seven and fourteen year of age shall cause such child to attend school or
receive instruction as required by this section children! over fourteen
years of age and under the age of sixteen years;1 and every person having
under his control such a child shall be subject to the requirements of this
section, unless children are regularly and lawfully employed to labor at
home or elsewhere.
See sec. 230.
As to employment of children under 12 years of age, see art. 100, sec. 4.
An. Code, sec. 162. 1904, sec. 160. 1902, ch. 269, sec. 133. 1912, ch. 173, sec. 124A.
1916, ch. 506, sec. 162."
221. Every child, residing in any county of the State being seven
years of age, and under thirteen years of age, shall attend some public
school during the entire period of each year that the public schools of
the county are in session; unless it can be shown to the county superin-
tendent of schools that such a child is elsewhere receiving regular and
thorough instruction during such period in the studies usually taught in
the public schools of the county to children of the same age; provided,
that the superintendent or principal of any school, or persons duly au-
thorized by such superintendent, may excuse cases of necessary and legal
absence among such enrolled pupils, and provided, further, that the pro-
visions of this section shall not apply to children whose mental or physical
condition is such as to render the instruction above described inexpedient
or impracticable. Every person having under his control a child seven
years of age and under thirteen years of age, shall cause such child to
attend school or receive instruction as required by this section.
Every child, residing in any county of the State, being thirteen years
of age or fourteen years of age, shall attend some public school not less
than one hundred days, as nearly consecutive as possible, beginning not
later than November first, during the period of each year that the public
schools of the county are in session, and such child shall attend some pub-
lic school the entire period of each year that the public schools of the
county are in session, if not regularly and lawfully employed to labor at
home or elsewhere, unless it can be shown to the county superintendent of
schools that such a child is elsewhere receiving regular and thorough in-
struction for such period in the studies usually taught in the public
schools of the county to children of these ages; provided, that the pro-
visions of this section shall not apply to children whose mental and physi-
cal condition is such as to render the instruction above described in-
expedient or impracticable. Every person having under his control a child
1 This sentence is just as it appears in the official act.
2 Sec. 162 of ch. 506 of 1916 superseded sec. 153A in vol. 3 of 1912 Code.